Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Acrostic Poems On Canada

Geopolitics of the chemical elements

Neodymium is vital to produce batteries and electric or hybrid car engines, computer hardware, cell phones, cameras, and its oxide is the basis of the magnets that drive the directional precision missile wings. With europium and yttrium are produced, however, fiber optics and light bulbs with low energy consumption. Scandium is used in stage lighting, while promising in the latest hospital equipment.
are just some of the 17 rare earth elements, those in the periodic table of elements occupy cells in the last few lines. Some of those elements at the base of most promising technologies of our century. The raw materials of the future.
toghether 17 elements from a particular policy: 97% of their total production is in China. Beijing has in his basement for 37% of known reserves, the countries of the former USSR 18%, U.S. 12%, but Russia has the means to extract and America, for twelve years now hand, stopped her in the name of environmental protection (often these elements are combined with radioactive substances and their mines pollute the surrounding waters) and would need another 15 years to turn it back (at costs far higher than in China). So, the big Western multinationals (from Philips to Siemens, from Nokia to Hewlett Packard, Apple Sony Canon) are forced to buy in Beijing.
But China sells less and less and increasingly difficult conditions: in the spring has raised export duties to 25% in July has cut the share of sales abroad by 72%. But the most drastic decision about next year: China will export only 60% of requirements global offering, the remainder going to the multinationals to produce in his home (and corporations in question, the Chinese government accused of stealing methodical know-how of his guests).
In short, it is clear the power and dominance in Beijing on this slice of the market, niche but highly strategic and geopolitical value.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Starcraft Pop Up Camper 1971

Guantanamo is still there

Despite the promises of the Nobel Prize for Peace, the prison at Guantanamo is still open, with about fifty "suspects" detained awaiting trial.
And these hours are crucial to the proceedings against the young Omar Khadr, arrested by the forces in Afghanistan U.S. special when he was fifteen, for the first time since 1945, a minor will be tried by a military tribunal, and the first will be the United States. What's more, the President of tibunale military has ruled that the confessions by the accused in the prison of Guantanamo Sarano considered valid and used against him, despite testimony and documents showing how the boy had suffered threats and abuse in detention because they confess : an army officer admitted that his team threatened the boy gang rape and death if he had not cooperated.
It instead is closed Thursday (with a sentence of 14 years in prison) the trial Ibrahim Al-Qosi, cook fifty-Bin Laden, following a secret agreement between the prosecution and defense, which will not be made public until after the text is not considered by the chairman of the military commissions: the first sentence of the Obama administration, accompanied by a secret agreement and a notional sentence, it is shown, in short, a farce.
The latest demonstration of how the president colored , leader of the Democrats and the beautiful souls of every country, in fact endorsed the policy of his predecessor, Bush's national security and violation of human rights and illegal detentions unlimited special military tribunals, lack of transparency and targeted killings by the drones.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What Should Eat While Testicle Pain

citazioni incolte

 "Censurato dall'autore" - Basilio Scalas -

Monday, August 2, 2010

Friends Hot Mom Freeamber Lynn

diario politico

In queste settimane ho provato più volte a scrivere, unico risultato cestinare tutto perché il tragitto del pensiero dal cervello alla tastiera inevitabilmente perde o tradisce il senso originario. Tutti i post di questo blog sono nati assecondati dalla confortante complicità della notte, senza altro obbiettivo che rendere per quanto possibile meno afasica la discussione politica su Assemini e dintorni. Probabilmente i pochi interlocutori hanno scorte di ossigeno ben superiori alla mia. Attingono da fonti a me ormai precluse, sicurezze ideologiche, morali e scientifiche irraggiungibili al mio orizzonte. Tradisco la notte per non concedere nessun alibi allo squallore che mi sta attorno e di cui faccio parte. Passerò come quasi tutti The days away August 2, 1980, and I hope some of my contempt remaining arrivals to the unwitting accomplices of the perpetrators of thirty years ago. Only then go on to see if the work of the Palm Theatre have produced more from the rubble.