Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Individual Investor In Frontier Market

network overload?

All ' University of Pavia, after implementation of the wireless network (arrived late by almost a year) came of signs that read "Wi- fi at the University of Pavia, 30, and honors in technology. "

Now we are all happy: we have our wireless network and can connect easily with our handsome laptop (if we have it) by any study hall or courtyard and maybe call via Skype or similar.

And until everything is right. Thirty laude.

The problem is that not everyone has a laptop and various Faculty computer classrooms are still quite crowded. In the classrooms of Political Science , most famous for the bar for high technology standards, appeared a sign that says "Please do not use Messenger , Skype , webchat o simili per sovraccarico della rete".

Pare che le videochat occupino parecchia banda. E questo ci sta. Ma una chat normale non è così pericolosa da questo punto di vista, nemmeno se più utenti si connettono contemporaneamente. Allora mi diranno: perché uno studente dovrebbe perdere il suo tempo a chattare e occupare quindi la rete che è di tutti? Beh perché forse le nuove frontiere della comunicazione non andrebbero abbattute in questo modo, senza distinzioni di alcun tipo, senza una politica coerente e soprattutto comprensibile.

Perché con la wi-fi posso fare ciò che voglio mentre nelle aule no? Perché a Scienze Politiche http://www.un.org/ or http://www.worldbank.org/ (the sites of the United Nations and the World Bank for instance)?

Perhaps it is not just a problem of overloaded network ... Thirty

laude in technology, zero common sense.

Watch what happens elsewhere does not help the reputation of our university. One example is the wi-fi 's University of Urbino ( www.wireless-campus.it ) : technology and intelligence can go hand in hand ...


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