Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sample Business Plan For Poultry Farming

New competitions for researchers and evaluation agency

Sembra che qualcosa si stia muovendo e che, con l’anno nuovo, qualcosa di positivo possa accadere nel mondo universitario italiano. Dopo aver creato il suo nuovo giocattolo, la “Sinistra democratica” e essersi other colleagues joined the game with "The Left - Rainbow", the Minister Fabio Mussi University back to work dealing with what should be concerned every day. Friday, December 28 In fact, the Council of Ministers approved the device that opens the selections to access the roles of associate professors and ordinary ( provided 4.000/4.200 new researchers by 2009) , blocked by two years and the birth 's ANVUR .

L ' ANVUR will be an evaluation agency of the Italian universities. Selezionerà i più produttivi che –conseguentemente- riceveranno più fondi a scapito degli altri atenei meno efficienti.

Si spera che l’Anvur potrà risolvere il problema dei fondi destinati alla ricerca che, come mostra un’inchiesta de “ l’Espresso ” (leggete qui ), vengono ‘sprecati’ essendo devoluti a atenei e ricercatori che non fanno ricerca. Alla faccia di tutti quelli che accusano i tagli di fondi alla ricerca da parte de governo.

Tuttavia il ministro Fabio Mussi continua a non convincere malgrado la riapertura dei concorsi : l’ Andu (Associazione nazionale docenti universitari) giudica che le New rules for university competitions are not 'revolutionary' as he would like the minister, because they just restore law 210 of 1998 with a variation: "banished to a place correspond to a single winner. No longer exist the system of fitness. " According to Andu, "the new law on competition in the House debate leaves intact the division of university teaching in three roles (not distinguishing between recruitment and career progression), introduced the teaching qualification completed, run by the dominant groups at the national level , and safeguard the local co-optation. "

Friday, December 21, 2007

Dinnerware Indian Style To Buy

Competition Vita Nova Of

We propose a competition run by Sole24Ore, Vita Nova.

immersed in a great transformation, from the industrial age to the knowledge, the Italians need to tell their stories. The protagonists of change are entrepreneurs, visionaries, intellectuals and artists. The objects of change are the products, services, ideas, works of authorship.

Daily life is a picture that changes as the paradigm that gives direction and meaning. All have stories to tell to process the great transformation. Many, we hope, will want to share with the public "Nòva24. The key feature of 'Nòva24': by focusing on the person, his ability to innovate, aiming to change the world according to the dream, very concrete, to improve it.

Yeah. Why VITANOVA is not just a competition. It is a genuine forum to which all are invited to attend. With text, photos, video, audio and can tell at a glance what is innovation and who is the innovator. To help spread the idea that its focus on innovation we can look at the historical transition in which we are, in fact, absorbed, with a little optimism.

VITANOVA tell Participants in innovation with works that are intended to be used in the network, diffuse, call, re-proposed: una sorta di campagna di promozione virale delle storie che possono cambiare il mondo. Con ironia, o con crudezza, o con realismo.

Lo stile narrativo dovrà catturare l’attenzione e muovere le coscienze. Perché stiamo cercando di richiamare le persone sensibili alla consapevolezza che è tempo di reagire, costruttivamente, alle difficoltà che viviamo: lavorando per una qualità dello sviluppo più decente, più intelligente, più orientata al lungo termine.

E, naturalmente, VitaNòva è anche un concorso. Che parte oggi e si chiude il 31 gennaio 2008. In palio premi tecnologicamente avanzati che saranno assegnati da una giuria di esperti.

Ma quello che conta è partecipare: perché in questo modo chi crede nell’innovazione e sa quanto ci sia bisogno di sostenerla, ogni giorno, vince di sicuro. Gli innovatori italiani si sentono spesso soli di fronte alle difficoltà che il contesto impone. Ma non sono soli. Sono molti e di grandissima bravura. Raccontarli, raccontare le loro idee, raccontare i risultati che generano ha un valore sociale enorme. E il pubblico attivo spesso dimostra di essere il migliore narratore di se stesso. Può farlo anche con VitaNòva. Buona creatività!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Dextromethorphan And Maoi Inhibitor

dangerous young intellectuals subversive

A "zero Generation", the book managed by Annozero Beatrice Borromeo if they are beautiful views of December 6.

The theme of the episode was "free, busy," and referred to the RAI, the Italian television system and censorship. For his personal address book on "youth" the Borromeo usually invites young people engaged in political parties or associations, generally all young people involved and knowledgeable of the topic, despite their witnesses or protagonists. This time she had with her Identical Twins. The DJ

THG (34 years), Strange (36), Thema (35) and Cry (28, brother of Willie Nelson were Article 31), here they are the youth of the bet. The merit of being invited as "young" and "experts" of the theme? They wrote a song called "Instructions for the deluded" (found here text) that, according to the Borromeo, "is a really fierce criticism on Italian television." At the same time we understand a bit 'blonde's stardard cultural).

"We are reduced to the point where to find some 'real information you need to be listening to parodies of the comic, [...], you have to leave information da quelli che fanno cabaret, mentre quelli che fanno informazione fanno ridere». Delle parole che incendiano la discussione, parole di fuoco, o meglio di “Fuego” (loro album del 2002).

Alla Borromeo giunge un suggerilmento dalle quinte (sembra Ambra a “Non è la Rai”), una timida domandina al dj THG, forse l’unica buona della rubbrica della puntata: «Però voi ci lavorate anche in televisione, in un certo senso, usufruite di questo mezzo».

Lo sventurato rispose: «Bisogna stare all’interno del meccanismo per poterlo combattere». A queste parole si sente un’esplosione, “Boom” (oltre tutto titolo del loro ultimo album).
They give a contribution "tiny", for admission of the same ill-fated "to stir the conscience." Now you understand why THG is behind the dishes and does not sing. Dare to cry more: now the new reality show are those of security cameras, said denouncing this heavy weather "Big Brother" Orwellian. One wonders why he does not make the DJ. Shortly after

is still the "brother" to be scary to Italian politics with his angry tone and stinging criticism. By now the damage is done, that's shaken from within the system from them-remember-that have been victims of unjust criticism of "Top of the pops One on Italy. This in spite of doing "only news" without accusations, says the one who wears the same earrings for the old lady upstairs. So, if you first censored if keibo ** h ***, now censor aei M ** C **** in (Mora and Corona, which seem to friends).

Last but not least: if you do not know if you remember it or not, the Twins are different (or were) the hosts of "Pimp My Wheels " on MTV , a program not just educational but comical for her character's ridiculous. In a few "nice there," and some "the uncle", the VG with their evil helpers took the scooters that were battered truccati, colorati appiccicandogli sopra qualche optionals adatto al personaggio: ad esempio a una studentessa di medicina le avevano aggiunto una valigetta del pronto soccorso, a uno snowboarder un porta-snowboard a mo’ di alettone posteriore. E non finisce qui, ai titoli di coda si poteva leggere (se si fosse stati abbastanza rapidi) che i motorini così truccati non potevano circolare liberamente. Bella fregatura, come il loro intervento ad Annozero.

Alla fine, il valore della rubrica in questa puntata? Dite un po' voi...

Tanto per rinfrescarvi le idee...

Saturday, December 8, 2007

I Want To Become A Deception Expert

Where does the authority of the "boundary state" according to Simon Sarasso

Giaceva sulla scrivania by the editorial staff before the summer holidays, untouched and forgotten with haste, exams, departures and absences ... an oversight that did not suit this book should not be overlooked.

is the first book of Simone Sarasso , young (born 1978) author of 'border State' , volume recently republished for the types of Marsilio .
over four hundred pages that could discourage, but which, once peeled, they can not leave anyone indifferent.

passing review will immediately notice a different wealth. Comic books and unequal font will show only a small part. Inside mix styles: narration by thick dense thriller, the news agency reports, correspondences, news articles, dialogues Hollywood. In this way, 'State Border' becomes an example of "register juxtapposition", a mixture of styles, a mosaic.

And even on a narrative level is a mosaic or a puzzle better be dialed.

It begins with excerpts from newspaper stories and first hand witnesses of a car bomb in Milan, then moved in space and time in Rome in the fifties, to discover that Mr Mele is nothing new in the history of the Italian Christian Democrats. One first identifies herself in a commissioner, after a journalist and then a special policeman, the main protagonists in a vast network of extras.
Proceeding with agility in reading the puzzle is made up, something becomes more clear and (I confess) you have to stop occasionally to look around on Wikipedia or the episodes of "Blunt" to see that many facts are real. Fortunately dialogue from action films remind us that all is not true.

At the end of the pages the book does not end there. Triumph dell’intertestualità, si sente il bisogno di sfogliare qualche libro della storia segreta d’Italia e aspettare l’uscita del secondo, e poi il terzo, tomo dell’opera sarassiana.

Non sarà certo della letteratura alta (in fondo, il noir non lo nasce), ma la varietà dello stile e l'opera di riscrittura di Simone Sarasso vanno premiati per il lavoro e la passione, e dimostrano ancora una volta che il giallo in Italia ha un buon terreno di crescita.
Sarà anche un po’ colpa della storia nascosta del nostro paese?

( and.giamb. )

NB: il libro è nella cinquina dei contendenti the prestigious Prix Scerbanenco .