Saturday, December 8, 2007

I Want To Become A Deception Expert

Where does the authority of the "boundary state" according to Simon Sarasso

Giaceva sulla scrivania by the editorial staff before the summer holidays, untouched and forgotten with haste, exams, departures and absences ... an oversight that did not suit this book should not be overlooked.

is the first book of Simone Sarasso , young (born 1978) author of 'border State' , volume recently republished for the types of Marsilio .
over four hundred pages that could discourage, but which, once peeled, they can not leave anyone indifferent.

passing review will immediately notice a different wealth. Comic books and unequal font will show only a small part. Inside mix styles: narration by thick dense thriller, the news agency reports, correspondences, news articles, dialogues Hollywood. In this way, 'State Border' becomes an example of "register juxtapposition", a mixture of styles, a mosaic.

And even on a narrative level is a mosaic or a puzzle better be dialed.

It begins with excerpts from newspaper stories and first hand witnesses of a car bomb in Milan, then moved in space and time in Rome in the fifties, to discover that Mr Mele is nothing new in the history of the Italian Christian Democrats. One first identifies herself in a commissioner, after a journalist and then a special policeman, the main protagonists in a vast network of extras.
Proceeding with agility in reading the puzzle is made up, something becomes more clear and (I confess) you have to stop occasionally to look around on Wikipedia or the episodes of "Blunt" to see that many facts are real. Fortunately dialogue from action films remind us that all is not true.

At the end of the pages the book does not end there. Triumph dell’intertestualità, si sente il bisogno di sfogliare qualche libro della storia segreta d’Italia e aspettare l’uscita del secondo, e poi il terzo, tomo dell’opera sarassiana.

Non sarà certo della letteratura alta (in fondo, il noir non lo nasce), ma la varietà dello stile e l'opera di riscrittura di Simone Sarasso vanno premiati per il lavoro e la passione, e dimostrano ancora una volta che il giallo in Italia ha un buon terreno di crescita.
Sarà anche un po’ colpa della storia nascosta del nostro paese?

( and.giamb. )

NB: il libro è nella cinquina dei contendenti the prestigious Prix Scerbanenco .


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