Sunday, October 3, 2010

Buses From Panjim To Dharwad Karnataka

diario senza inizio. nota 2. dritte per un libraio (scherzando, si intende)

"hello gigi, what do we know Martin Eden?"
this is a formula that I use often, it's my accezio it's open source. I could go on the internet, click a bit 'and I would have the answers, but I trust those I know, I know how they think, as I think I know why I respond in one way rather than another ... So I call and I invent a first person plural: "What do we know?" as if something allows me to build, or rather to draw on a kind of collective knowledge, common. gigi knows, I think, is accustomed to these my questions out of nowhere. also know that we think differently about almost everything, we know that tastes differ, but answered every time. I know he plays with me often contrarian, that just to tease me also says things I do not think, but I trust, however.
"great novel, a beautiful book and great author. But why?"
"is the name of a library, home to the second stage of this"
"He Knew At the instant, he Ceased to know  è il finale del libro, se fossi io il libraio  stamperei questa frase sulla carta del negozio..."
forse dovrei dirglielo a david, in fondo è una buona dritta.
la libreria martin eden è un gran bel posto, entrata in salita, spazi grandi, grande silenzio, libri disposti ordinatamente negli scaffali, un angolo per i bambini, poltroncine per i grandi, un invito a prendersi tempo.
"la giallistica mi sta esplodendo, dice david, non so più dove metterla, dovrò fargli altro spazio. e poi la filosofia, non mi aspettavo che avrei avuto tante richieste di libri di filosofia..." la cosa mi incuriosisce e vorrei ask more questions, but I'm happy to enjoy this combination: yellow and philosophy. I find myself asking the connections, and it occurs to me that in fact the philosophers from whom I learned something, right, they were also great readers of thrillers.
yes, there are links.
leave it there and take a look around.
the back door of the library is a large glass door opens onto a road that goes up and gives, in particular, on entry of a hair salon. so taking the time to choose the books, taking a taste of that atmosphere, reading by Martin Eden you can peek through the window and see a whole other world, imagine the chatter, the noise of the dryer, the background of a possible music.
this and maybe I should give him a straight, david, have a little piece of "books for the hairdresser," things smaller, faster, a small invitation to read for those who, a few yards away, he went to settle a little 'head.


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