Thursday, October 14, 2010

Name With Ship Part Images

Piccola nota a margine di una partita The Israeli nuclear

78 days of NATO air strikes carried out by 15,000 feet high on the hit Serbia meant:

apartments (April 5, 1999, for example, 17 deaths),

trains civilians (12 April 1999, for example, 55 deaths),

Kosovar farmers (April 14, 1999, for example, 75 deaths),

public television (April 23, 1999, for example, 16 deaths),

bus (May 1, 1999, for example, 47 deaths),

embassies (China, for example, three deaths),

prisons (21 May 1999 prison in Pristina, for example, 100 deaths),

hospitals (May 31, Surdulica hospital, for example, 20 deaths),

human shields (60 Kosovar civilians, for example, used as such by the Serbs, is he said, and
no context),

schools (May 31, 1999 in Novi Pazar, for example, 23 children),

over five civilians, he said,

indefinite thousands of Serbian soldiers.

A zero.
Dicasi: a zero.
Un supercappotto.
Altro che un 3-0 a tavolino.



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