Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bulk Powdernattokinase

begin the seasonal student protests in France

D a qualche giorno le università francesi sono di nuovo in fermento.
Piccoli gruppi di studenti, definiteli minoranze o avanguardie a seconda dell'ideologia che più vi conviene, hanno iniziato a occupare gli atenei in protesta contro la "
loi Précasse ", la legge che prevede una maggiore autonomia (economica e gestionale) per le università , easing a government spending.

The students, mostly from far-left groups, are against this law, they argue, could lead to an increase in tuition fees, both lead to the privatization of universities or to a research instrument to the French. Moreover, they fear that the increase in power of the rectors, who will be able to award prizes pecuniary and assume fixed-term contracts, damage to the Statute for employees of the university.

Basically there are values, such as the importance of equality of chances
, freedom from cultural to economic interests.

course, the Their anger is understandable from a certain point of view: Sarkozy wants to reduce government spending and, second, to increase the salary of 140%.

However, who is a stranger and know a little 'French universities there is a doubt beyond the Alps
students pay tuition fees low (less than half of Italian taxes), and they all have about 100 € ( sometimes even more) as financial assistance for rent (no need to apply to Edisu and wait for the evaluation of their dossier of income and merit). They have the knowledge that they are already privileged than their age-matched Italian and English?

The solution? Trasferiamoci all in France : D]

Some occupations have already been evicted, but expect a tightening of the fight in the coming weeks. Currently, the following motion is low (think in Lyon, on 28 000 university students for employment, the General Assembly has seen about 500 people attend). However, it could increase? Become a new
Sixty or rather a new Anti-CPE movement ?

[in the coming days, both here on the blog Hic Est Lyon , updates on the subject, with a more detailed explanation of the law and the opinion of some French student,


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