Friday, November 23, 2007

Sample Letter To Disconnect Mobile Connection

News from Medical Graduates Pavia

1 - "We are not 'big babies': young doctors in Milan in revolt against the Minister Mussi

the cry of" We are not 'big babies' and "To find the meritocracy, we need to get away, more than 600 graduates in medicine, of which a hundred of Pavia, demonstrated today in a white coat at Piazza Cavour in Milan against the decree by the Minister Fabio Mussi is about to sign on ban the competitions of the graduate schools of the health area.
According to the text for signature by the Minister, on a technicality bureaucratic they would be excluded from opportunities to participate in the selection test all doctors graduated in perfectly during the past academic year earnings in the first session, because for just a few weeks does not yet have evidence of authorization to perform the medical profession. In this competition could therefore only participate in off-course students who graduated in the years before and rejected all the previous contests.
"We do not understand what are the reasons that have prompted the Minister Mussi, who in recent weeks has proved to be deaf to the demands of new graduates, to take such a decision," said Dr. Massimo Slavich, a new graduate in Medicine Surgery fully under way, and 110 cum laude. Continuing Dr. John Coppi (neodottore con110 and academic honors and honorable mention): "While tidying the competition for admission to the graduate schools is certainly a priority, the adoption of the Minister in this form heavily penalizes future physicians the most worthy and capable, they should wait at least one year for future competitions. Many new graduates, many of them with flying colors and honors, have already expressed their intention to compete in other EU countries or the United States, not to lose more time in an already long vocational training courses. "
Against this assurdo provvedimento e a sostegno dei medici neolaureati si stanno mobilitando la Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane (CRUI) e la Conferenza Permanente dei Presidi e Presidenti di Consigli di Corso di Laurea di Medicina e Chirurgia (riunita al momento a Roma e che ha già espresso parere estremamente negativo sul testo alla firma del Ministro).
I giovani medici chiedono quindi nuovamente al Ministro Mussi di modificare il provvedimento di bando dei concorsi per le scuole di specializzazione al fine di permettere anche ai neolaureati meritevoli di prenderne parte. " La firma del decreto nella presente forma porterebbe con sé un unico messaggio: l'unica via che i giovani e brillanti cervelli italiani possono go to find a reward for the meritocracy and excellence is the flight abroad, "conclude the managers of new doctors.

2 - Justice Minister Mussi is done listening to the reasons for recent graduates

Justice is done. Mussi Minister listens to the reasons for recent graduates. Federspecializzandi expressed satisfaction with the result. The many manifestations of neo-graduates and the positions taken by the CRUI Conference Unified Deans and Chairmen of the CCL of Medicine has made that the Minister Mussi in press conference report that new graduates July and October 2007 are not excluded from the Contract Specialist 2007/2008.
Following the press release of MUR : Minister of University and Research, the Hon. Fabio Mussi, today issued the following Orders: - with an initial decree has set February 6, 2008 examining license to practice medicine - with a second decree, set March 10, 2008 at the start of postgraduate courses in Medicine and Surgery. The Minister also presented an amendment to the Budget Law, with which it is expected that by the next academic year, 2008-09, examination for admission to graduate schools will participate, in addition to graduates in Medicine, anche gli studenti iscritti all'ultimo anno di corso di laurea in regola con gli esami. E gli studenti fuori corso che abbiano sostenuto tutti gli esami. In ogni caso, la laurea, ove non già posseduta, e l'abilitazione alla professione dovranno essere conseguite entro la data di avvio dei corsi di specializzazione.
Roma, 22 novembre 2007


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