Friday, December 31, 2010

Quick On Set Dizziness

Lula, Battisti e Marchionne

Abstract: extradition of Cesare Battisti, debated these days, we are not interested. We are not justice-thirsty for revenge. We do not want to append to those who seek to reopen old wounds and stirring the facts of a closed season. We are not looking for good and bad. We do not believe those who, these days, look for comparisons with non-existent the seventies and terrorism, red or black. It 's a page closed. And we would not want someone to reopen it by taking advantage.

But ...

Throughout this story there is a detail that links the Brazilian President Lula, a former militant Cesare Battisti PAC and CEO of the Fiat group CEO Sergio Marchionne. One detail that may go unnoticed, but perhaps deserves some more attention.
Lula says he made his decision, contrary to extradition for months, only now am to have it communicated. Why this delay? Why was half of a campaign to continue, with the majority of voters in favor of extradition Battis, widely seen in a simple and vulgar "robber."
But more than half because there was business to be concluded with Fiat's Marchionne and negotiation with the Italian partner threatened to blow up along with the diplomatic relations between the two countries. To be precise, there was a production plant to be inaugurated: an investment of 1.77 billion dollars (!!!) to produce 200 thousand cars in 2014.
And for the same reason that Lula said he was sure that Italy will not react to the failure to extradite Battisti

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Redesign Front Of House

Khodorkovski, chi era costui?

Following the last conviction for theft and money laundering ultramiliardario, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the former oil magnate de , will serve a total of 14 years in prison, of which 7 are already discounted by the time of his arrest (October 2003).
But who is this man? A martyr of freedom and democracy, as depicted by Western media, or a thief and an enemy of the nation, according to the prosecution of the Putin government?
Of Jewish origin, he began his career in 1990, founding a bank (the Banking Group Menatep) with which, in the fall of the USSR was able to take advantage of privatization implemented by the Moscow government, acquired the assets of industrial and mining of the nation, now on sale. The greater the deal concluded in 1995, buying the oil giant Yukos (now Gazprom) for the modest sum of $ 350 million, compared with an actual value of $ 15 billion (this is its stock market listing): 42 times more.
But even $ 350 million are not few: those who had given them to him? The Rothschilds of London. And one of them, Jacob, passed the stake held by Yukos Khodorkovsky, at the time of the latter: according to an agreement between the two, in case of trouble Mikhail actions would become of Jacob, so that Moscow could not confiscate.
came to power, Vladimir Putin (re) nationalized the Yukos returned to the country today is the Gazprom. Not only
. In 2000, when Putin was elected president, Russia had a debt of 16.6 billion dollars with the International Monetary Fund and 36 billion with the Paris Club of Creditors and London, bankers, private lenders to the states, hegemony, yet una volta, dai Rohtschild. Il rincaro dei prezzi petroliferi ha consentito a Putin di dirigere una parte dei profitti di Gazprom per estinguere anticipatamente i debiti nazionali (operazione completata nel 2006).
Ha fatto perdere loro soldi. Ha fatto perdere loro la Yukos. Ha fatto perdere il loro uomo. Ecco perché i Rotschild odiano Putin. Ecco perché i media occidentali piangono sul destino di Khodorkovski.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Scabies Worst After Treatment

talee a natale

Best wishes you happy holidays from cuttings.
beatrice sandra

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Air Hair Oil Informaction

Da Brest a Vladivostok. Perché l'Eurasia

Nel 1989 cadeva il muro di Berlino, nel 1990 si riunificavano le due Germanie, nel 1991 si smembrava l'Impero sovietico, si scioglieva il Patto di Varsavia e prendeva avvio la Guerra dei Balcani, causa prima della sparizione della Jugoslavia dagli atlanti. Da allora l'Europa si is found, but not joined.
plutocracy The world has cut a groove unbridgeable between East and West, between us and them. But it is a scam.
Europe is not simply a continent such as Africa or Oceania. Europe is neither on this side or beyond the Urals. Geographically, Europe does not exist. E 'indistinguishable from Asia, which is nothing but a sub-continent, less obvious than it is in its specificity, the Indian. It is just a huge mass of geographical promontory.
Yet Europe exists. Always. Or at least since Zeus, on the shores of Phoenicia, was transformed into a bull to abduct the daughter of the local king, Europe in fact. It exists because of the original character has, its own identity. E 'by men, not a gift of nature.
no real territory, marked geographically, at least in the East, it must go where can defend itself, where its safety and its viability is assured. Has to overcome and erase the boundaries imposed overseas. Overcome divisions and distrust that still persist. From Rome to Byzantium to Moscow.
must do if he wants to be, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, other not the "leader of Asia."

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Episode Does Bulma Say Vegeta's Kinda Cute

Quarto appuntamento

cuttings is coming to Florence, La Cite Library, the appointment is for December 9 at 18.00 .
The reading performance will take place inside and outside the library with the participation of Virginia Galli
Readers who want to lend their voices to the performances are requested to contact us by email before nine o'clock and arrive in bookstores a bit 'before.
The texts chosen are The Land of Green Plums, Herta Muller and Vocabulary of Language Italian, Teccani.
We look forward to.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Air Hair Oil Information

Le carceri scoppiano / 3

Italy has 207 prisons can accommodate about 42 thousand inmates in reality these are 68,795. Or about 30 000 additional people. Of these 25,364 are foreigners.
But the most striking and should do more scandal in a state that calls itself democratic is another, almost half of prisoners in the nation's prisons are imputati.Ovvero persons subject to protective order and not yet definitively condemned sends. That is, strictly speaking the law (and logic) INNOCENT! 29,986 people (that is, just people) of which 15 thousand still awaiting the first trial.
Meanwhile, people continue to die in prison, suicide, or, more simply, a fever (this is the case, recently, Antonio Alibrandi, held at Rebibbia taken to hospital after 10 days of fever to 40 °, away from family) . He continued to live 23 hours a day 10 feet below sea level, in a cell without windows, with a bathroom where the ceiling was made by prisoners with bags of trash blacks backed by broomsticks (Favignana). He continues to spend more than € 1 billion for an investigation into Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia (plus acquitted) that would advertise the PM shift (in this case, the famous, precisely, Woodcock). It continues to build new berths nelle carcere (2mila contro i 30mila necessari) e a lasciarli inutilizzati per mancanza di personale.
Si continua a ripetere (Alfano, ministro della Giustizia): “Abbiamo seminato bene e continueremo a farlo”.