Thursday, December 30, 2010

Redesign Front Of House

Khodorkovski, chi era costui?

Following the last conviction for theft and money laundering ultramiliardario, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the former oil magnate de , will serve a total of 14 years in prison, of which 7 are already discounted by the time of his arrest (October 2003).
But who is this man? A martyr of freedom and democracy, as depicted by Western media, or a thief and an enemy of the nation, according to the prosecution of the Putin government?
Of Jewish origin, he began his career in 1990, founding a bank (the Banking Group Menatep) with which, in the fall of the USSR was able to take advantage of privatization implemented by the Moscow government, acquired the assets of industrial and mining of the nation, now on sale. The greater the deal concluded in 1995, buying the oil giant Yukos (now Gazprom) for the modest sum of $ 350 million, compared with an actual value of $ 15 billion (this is its stock market listing): 42 times more.
But even $ 350 million are not few: those who had given them to him? The Rothschilds of London. And one of them, Jacob, passed the stake held by Yukos Khodorkovsky, at the time of the latter: according to an agreement between the two, in case of trouble Mikhail actions would become of Jacob, so that Moscow could not confiscate.
came to power, Vladimir Putin (re) nationalized the Yukos returned to the country today is the Gazprom. Not only
. In 2000, when Putin was elected president, Russia had a debt of 16.6 billion dollars with the International Monetary Fund and 36 billion with the Paris Club of Creditors and London, bankers, private lenders to the states, hegemony, yet una volta, dai Rohtschild. Il rincaro dei prezzi petroliferi ha consentito a Putin di dirigere una parte dei profitti di Gazprom per estinguere anticipatamente i debiti nazionali (operazione completata nel 2006).
Ha fatto perdere loro soldi. Ha fatto perdere loro la Yukos. Ha fatto perdere il loro uomo. Ecco perché i Rotschild odiano Putin. Ecco perché i media occidentali piangono sul destino di Khodorkovski.


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