Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Air Hair Oil Information

Le carceri scoppiano / 3

Italy has 207 prisons can accommodate about 42 thousand inmates in reality these are 68,795. Or about 30 000 additional people. Of these 25,364 are foreigners.
But the most striking and should do more scandal in a state that calls itself democratic is another, almost half of prisoners in the nation's prisons are imputati.Ovvero persons subject to protective order and not yet definitively condemned sends. That is, strictly speaking the law (and logic) INNOCENT! 29,986 people (that is, just people) of which 15 thousand still awaiting the first trial.
Meanwhile, people continue to die in prison, suicide, or, more simply, a fever (this is the case, recently, Antonio Alibrandi, held at Rebibbia taken to hospital after 10 days of fever to 40 °, away from family) . He continued to live 23 hours a day 10 feet below sea level, in a cell without windows, with a bathroom where the ceiling was made by prisoners with bags of trash blacks backed by broomsticks (Favignana). He continues to spend more than € 1 billion for an investigation into Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia (plus acquitted) that would advertise the PM shift (in this case, the famous, precisely, Woodcock). It continues to build new berths nelle carcere (2mila contro i 30mila necessari) e a lasciarli inutilizzati per mancanza di personale.
Si continua a ripetere (Alfano, ministro della Giustizia): “Abbiamo seminato bene e continueremo a farlo”.


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