Saturday, December 11, 2010

Air Hair Oil Informaction

Da Brest a Vladivostok. Perché l'Eurasia

Nel 1989 cadeva il muro di Berlino, nel 1990 si riunificavano le due Germanie, nel 1991 si smembrava l'Impero sovietico, si scioglieva il Patto di Varsavia e prendeva avvio la Guerra dei Balcani, causa prima della sparizione della Jugoslavia dagli atlanti. Da allora l'Europa si is found, but not joined.
plutocracy The world has cut a groove unbridgeable between East and West, between us and them. But it is a scam.
Europe is not simply a continent such as Africa or Oceania. Europe is neither on this side or beyond the Urals. Geographically, Europe does not exist. E 'indistinguishable from Asia, which is nothing but a sub-continent, less obvious than it is in its specificity, the Indian. It is just a huge mass of geographical promontory.
Yet Europe exists. Always. Or at least since Zeus, on the shores of Phoenicia, was transformed into a bull to abduct the daughter of the local king, Europe in fact. It exists because of the original character has, its own identity. E 'by men, not a gift of nature.
no real territory, marked geographically, at least in the East, it must go where can defend itself, where its safety and its viability is assured. Has to overcome and erase the boundaries imposed overseas. Overcome divisions and distrust that still persist. From Rome to Byzantium to Moscow.
must do if he wants to be, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, other not the "leader of Asia."


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