Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Indian Woman Showing Breast Hoto

Cuttings received as a gift a book, The Book go to the theater, by Renzo Boldrini, one of the readers of the second stage at the Library Martin Eden.

Il libro raccoglie i frutti del progetto “Scene leggere” attuato e promosso dal Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara di Trento in collaborazione con la Compagnia Giallo Mare Minimal Teatro di Empoli. Nel progetto il libro viene utilizzato non solo come contenitore di storie da rappresentare nel senso tradizionale del termine, ma viene anche coinvolto nel gioco teatrale fino a trasformarsi in partner dell’animatore e addirittura in s/oggetto scenico. Insomma si mette lui a “far scena”.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

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: a state secret

La conferenza generale di Vienna dell’Agenzia Internazionale per l’Energia Atomica ha bocciato la risoluzione presentata dai Paesi Arabi per costringere l’organismo internazionale a chiedere ufficialmente l’adesione di Israele all’AIEA stessa: 56 voti contrari, 41 favorevoli e 23 astenuti. Risultato: il governo israeliano continuerò a negare l’accesso degli ispettori internazionali ai propri siti nucleari.
Fondamentali al raggiungimento dell’obiettivo sono state le minacce di Tel Aviv (“È contro l’interesse Israel to ratify the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Nuclear Observatory of the United Nations is beyond its mandate in asking us to do, "he said the head of the Atomic Energy Commission in Tel Aviv, Shaul Chorev) and the intervention of the U.S. who have applied unsuccessfully to withdraw the motion and then invite its allies to abstain or vote against the proposal, saying it would undermine ongoing efforts to ban nuclear weapons from the Middle East and would have been a negative message for direct negotiations progress between Israelis and Palestinians. Viewed
what happened, how can the same claim were the renunciation by Iran enrichment uranium and continuing justification on a military program that does not exist? Tehran open to IAEA inspection all of its atomic sites under development and yet, despite this, he lives under the international sanctions. Israel, by contrast, acquires weapons from Washington, while continuing with the blessing of the United Nations to maintain secrecy in their plants and do not declare its nuclear warheads.

Friday, September 24, 2010

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diario senza inizio. nota 1. fare con niente

Da bambina non riuscivo a tracciare una linea simple and clear on a drawing pad which I liked the texture and whiteness, as well as I could not cut a simple handkerchief in a new fabric ... The girl cut and trim. Would not stop cutting. "From a stone quarry is not the blood," my mother said to me in Provencal dialect to give more strength to his say. I still have vivid memories of those afternoons and burning fever which I gave my first pair of scissors in a huge piece of cloth, more elusive and treacherous of the Mediterranean ... Soon, however, that huge canvas there were only fragments. I'm still bitter, bucavo the last square, the stamp with which - so I thought - I could do even an object. Then, desperate and with their faces covered with tears, I collected all that lint and runs away. No, never, never, it would come out something! Nothing would come out of me! My mother, that I ordered was right. My eyebrows, my nails, my hair, as soon as I put the scissors, it boils down to nothing. Game tragic girl, who subsequently also rages in dressing to save face. A mother without appeal this sentence was a counterpoint to a compliment that savored the time: "This small, always manages to do something with nothing."
I really like this song and come back often to read it in " The dress and her ghost " a small sample, very dense and full of affection, which Recalcati Massimo wrote in memory of Gennie Lemoine, described as one of the most important figures of contemporary psychoanalysis. Thoughts of Lemoine serve to introduce what's called a passion Recalcati feminine, passion of the vacuum. If someone could think like Sartre in "Being and Nothingness" that the human passion to "fill", cover the gap, close gaps, it is a fundamental passion of human reality, perhaps, suggests Recalcati you can add that this passion is declined essentially to the male, the ghost is talking about Sartre is a ghost of male appropriation. And 'thanks to the work of Lemoine Gennie we know that there is a dangerous vacuum female passion, a passion that has much to do with the act of creating, with "nothing to do with." The feverish activity of the little girl trying to cut something from the vacuum, by testing its ability to generate, is accompanied by the risk you take to attend a border zone: the borders drawn by the scissors, pursued with persistence in scraps of fabric or paper smaller and smaller. Risk that brings pleasure and distress, pushing and captures the imagination (the scene where the girl gives in to tears and gives the flight with all that "lint").
E 'desire to remove the forms from the void that explains, from this position Lemoine, the concentration in which we see the kids when they dipped cut out, stick built and manufactured fragile, unstable, almost always temporary. That 's what explains their resentment when an awkwardly large, rearranging, confuses "the work" with the lint ... And maybe it's a bit 'too schematic to identify fully with the male, the vacuum with the female, perhaps a bit' extreme tie the figure of female creativity to this feeling "almost nothing" to which some psychoanalysis condemnation, but of course I recognize in this "nothing to do with" something that belongs to the women. A less do so, less saturated himself, a scholar who do often leave things unfinished, imperfect, evolving. Do that in a newspaper organizes, prepares, decorating times. Do the old, the weavers, for example, where full and empty are different ways to pass the thread, a complicated movement to organize materials, sometimes almost invisible, but strong, silky, affections, and links.
make a controversial, never innocent, even when powerful acting by subtraction. A that remains to do, even if not seen.
I think about all this by looking at the work of Beatrice, looking at his cuttings, books that become projects, landscapes, gardens, unexpected forms, "made with nothing."

Recalcati Massimo, "The dress and her ghost" in The psychoanalyst and the city. The unconscious is the discourse of capitalist manifestolibri, Rome 2007

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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diario senza inizio. nota zero

Write a diary without beginning is exactly in the opposite direction to what I usually do. I usually start writing. Beginning of everything: articles, essays, short stories, projects. If I had the courage to do a search on my computer, with files from the beginning that I would have to fill a folder, but I am careful. I do not feel right to put all those early days remained there, a promising start, swollen with a momentum that was not enough to keep going. So, play with fate, or perhaps more simply with my habits, and I intend to write a diary without beginning , I invent a "form that" writing to tell a project that has its roots and light forms in divenire.
Saltare l'inizio, più o meno è questo che voglio dire, saltare l'inizio è un buon modo per cominciare.

Del resto, dice Deleuze, "scrivere non ha niente a che vedere con significare, ma con misurare nuovi territori, cartografare, perfino delle contrade a venire". E io me lo sono immaginato così questo diario senza inizio : un esperimento di scrittura per punti, piccole note che seguiranno il progetto mentre prende forma, mentre si propaga in luoghi e incontri che oggi non possiamo prevedere.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

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Burn Koran Day

Today, September 11, 2010, exactly nine years by the attack on the Twin Towers, was to be held the initiative launched by Pastor Terry Jones of burning copies of the Koran along with 50 loyal Where in the World Outreach church, built a shed in rural Florida.
It would be, but it was not done at the end the priest has given the face of pressure from the international community and the government in Washington. He was convinced that in front of her surrender, the imam of New York desist from plans to build a mosque at Ground Zero. "We believe that the imam will keep their word," he said. But the imam has not given any word, was not signed any agreement, nobody exchange: there simply was no contact, even through an intermediary, between the two. And no meeting is scheduled for the next few days.
short, it seems all a big hoax. Only a farce. A hype.
But there are many waterfalls in Copenhagen a man, a Muslim of Luxembourg origin, tried to blow himself up in the bathrooms of Jorgensens Hotel (the only remaining failed explosion wounded) in Afghanistan, there are many manifestations anti- U.S. BALUK Bala and a civilian was killed by a shot gun (shot by whom: by an American soldier or a local protester? is unknown), while in Faizabad, where thousands took to the streets burning flags Stars and Stripes are five wounded by gunshots, in Belgium, the Islamic Association invited its seguuaci to burn American flags.
remains only one question: who acted as a megaphone to the lonely preacher? Who blew the embers? Who did you know that the Afghans took to the streets in America 50 people gathered in a garage, they wanted to burn copies of the Koran? Of course, newspapers and television could not ignore the words of General Petraeus once they had spoken out publicly against the intent of Terry Jones. Sure, they could not ignore the news of the burning of sacred books if you spread it was the first to CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations: August 19, this NGO avevva circulated the news to its huge network of contacts, turning what was little more than a stunt in a report.
light the fuse of a fire that has quickly spread throughout the world. A fire on which, to someone, it is convenient to throw petrol rather than water. Ready to face new emergencies Islamic, new networks of terror, new rogue states.
Meanwhile in Kansas, the Westboro Baptist Church has announced its readiness to move forward in the initiative of the stake, if Terry Jones would finally give up.

Monday, September 6, 2010

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The crisis Obama

American combat mission in Iraq has ended: August 31, announcing the withdrawal of troops from Baghdad, Obama has used words very different from those used by his predecessor, who in 2003 claimed at least premature "mission accomplished". Of Moreover, almost simultaneously, the Iraqi authorities informed that in August alone last last throughout the country have been killed in attacks and suicide bombings, 426 people, of which only 54 soldiers (and 77 police officers). However, with the midterm elections scheduled in ten weeks, the Nobel prize for peace was forced to announce the end of hostilities, groped for, in this way to give a steer to the sharp decline in his popularity among the electorate. But in his speech, Obama "forgot" to mention the 50 thousand U.S. military that will remain in Mesopotamia flanked by as many contractors with a total of about 100 thousand armed men in the service of the House Bianca.
At the same time, while confirming the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, Obama stressed that the pace of the return of soldiers from Kabul will be determined by conditions on the ground, conditions that are dramatic at the time (2010 is confirming the 'bloodiest year since the beginning of hostilities while a recent report by the Washington Post accused of corruption, Kabul Bank, the largest private credit institution in the country, including Mahmoud Karzai, brother of President Hamid, holds 7%).
The need to obtain as soon as a political success in the international arena has prompted Obama to open with great fanfare last Thursday, i negoziati di pace diretti tra Israele e ANP. Tuttavia, dopo la stretta di mano e le foto di rito, Abbas e Netanyahu hanno ribadito ciascuno le proprie condizioni necessarie a garantire la continuazione dei negoziati, le stesse che fino a pochi giorni fa invece erano indicate tanto dal presidente palestinese, quanto dal premier israeliano, come i principali ostacoli al processo di pace: il rinnovo della moratoria sulle costruzioni nelle colonie in Cisgiordania per il primo e il riconoscimento di Israele come Stato a carattere ebraico per il secondo.

Il “bluff” del successo diplomatico di Obama potrà durare, però, solo fino al 26 settembre quando Netanyahu annuncerà, come previsto, la ripresa of buildings in the illegal settlements in the West Bank. Forcing Abbas to end this farce of the interview: the guilt of failure to agree will fall, once again, the Palestinians and Israel will continue to carry on without too much trouble its colonial policy.