Sunday, September 26, 2010

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: a state secret

La conferenza generale di Vienna dell’Agenzia Internazionale per l’Energia Atomica ha bocciato la risoluzione presentata dai Paesi Arabi per costringere l’organismo internazionale a chiedere ufficialmente l’adesione di Israele all’AIEA stessa: 56 voti contrari, 41 favorevoli e 23 astenuti. Risultato: il governo israeliano continuerò a negare l’accesso degli ispettori internazionali ai propri siti nucleari.
Fondamentali al raggiungimento dell’obiettivo sono state le minacce di Tel Aviv (“È contro l’interesse Israel to ratify the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Nuclear Observatory of the United Nations is beyond its mandate in asking us to do, "he said the head of the Atomic Energy Commission in Tel Aviv, Shaul Chorev) and the intervention of the U.S. who have applied unsuccessfully to withdraw the motion and then invite its allies to abstain or vote against the proposal, saying it would undermine ongoing efforts to ban nuclear weapons from the Middle East and would have been a negative message for direct negotiations progress between Israelis and Palestinians. Viewed
what happened, how can the same claim were the renunciation by Iran enrichment uranium and continuing justification on a military program that does not exist? Tehran open to IAEA inspection all of its atomic sites under development and yet, despite this, he lives under the international sanctions. Israel, by contrast, acquires weapons from Washington, while continuing with the blessing of the United Nations to maintain secrecy in their plants and do not declare its nuclear warheads.


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