Monday, September 6, 2010

Primer Tm And Annealing Calculator

The crisis Obama

American combat mission in Iraq has ended: August 31, announcing the withdrawal of troops from Baghdad, Obama has used words very different from those used by his predecessor, who in 2003 claimed at least premature "mission accomplished". Of Moreover, almost simultaneously, the Iraqi authorities informed that in August alone last last throughout the country have been killed in attacks and suicide bombings, 426 people, of which only 54 soldiers (and 77 police officers). However, with the midterm elections scheduled in ten weeks, the Nobel prize for peace was forced to announce the end of hostilities, groped for, in this way to give a steer to the sharp decline in his popularity among the electorate. But in his speech, Obama "forgot" to mention the 50 thousand U.S. military that will remain in Mesopotamia flanked by as many contractors with a total of about 100 thousand armed men in the service of the House Bianca.
At the same time, while confirming the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, Obama stressed that the pace of the return of soldiers from Kabul will be determined by conditions on the ground, conditions that are dramatic at the time (2010 is confirming the 'bloodiest year since the beginning of hostilities while a recent report by the Washington Post accused of corruption, Kabul Bank, the largest private credit institution in the country, including Mahmoud Karzai, brother of President Hamid, holds 7%).
The need to obtain as soon as a political success in the international arena has prompted Obama to open with great fanfare last Thursday, i negoziati di pace diretti tra Israele e ANP. Tuttavia, dopo la stretta di mano e le foto di rito, Abbas e Netanyahu hanno ribadito ciascuno le proprie condizioni necessarie a garantire la continuazione dei negoziati, le stesse che fino a pochi giorni fa invece erano indicate tanto dal presidente palestinese, quanto dal premier israeliano, come i principali ostacoli al processo di pace: il rinnovo della moratoria sulle costruzioni nelle colonie in Cisgiordania per il primo e il riconoscimento di Israele come Stato a carattere ebraico per il secondo.

Il “bluff” del successo diplomatico di Obama potrà durare, però, solo fino al 26 settembre quando Netanyahu annuncerà, come previsto, la ripresa of buildings in the illegal settlements in the West Bank. Forcing Abbas to end this farce of the interview: the guilt of failure to agree will fall, once again, the Palestinians and Israel will continue to carry on without too much trouble its colonial policy.


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