Saturday, September 11, 2010

Antibiotics Flucillin

Burn Koran Day

Today, September 11, 2010, exactly nine years by the attack on the Twin Towers, was to be held the initiative launched by Pastor Terry Jones of burning copies of the Koran along with 50 loyal Where in the World Outreach church, built a shed in rural Florida.
It would be, but it was not done at the end the priest has given the face of pressure from the international community and the government in Washington. He was convinced that in front of her surrender, the imam of New York desist from plans to build a mosque at Ground Zero. "We believe that the imam will keep their word," he said. But the imam has not given any word, was not signed any agreement, nobody exchange: there simply was no contact, even through an intermediary, between the two. And no meeting is scheduled for the next few days.
short, it seems all a big hoax. Only a farce. A hype.
But there are many waterfalls in Copenhagen a man, a Muslim of Luxembourg origin, tried to blow himself up in the bathrooms of Jorgensens Hotel (the only remaining failed explosion wounded) in Afghanistan, there are many manifestations anti- U.S. BALUK Bala and a civilian was killed by a shot gun (shot by whom: by an American soldier or a local protester? is unknown), while in Faizabad, where thousands took to the streets burning flags Stars and Stripes are five wounded by gunshots, in Belgium, the Islamic Association invited its seguuaci to burn American flags.
remains only one question: who acted as a megaphone to the lonely preacher? Who blew the embers? Who did you know that the Afghans took to the streets in America 50 people gathered in a garage, they wanted to burn copies of the Koran? Of course, newspapers and television could not ignore the words of General Petraeus once they had spoken out publicly against the intent of Terry Jones. Sure, they could not ignore the news of the burning of sacred books if you spread it was the first to CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations: August 19, this NGO avevva circulated the news to its huge network of contacts, turning what was little more than a stunt in a report.
light the fuse of a fire that has quickly spread throughout the world. A fire on which, to someone, it is convenient to throw petrol rather than water. Ready to face new emergencies Islamic, new networks of terror, new rogue states.
Meanwhile in Kansas, the Westboro Baptist Church has announced its readiness to move forward in the initiative of the stake, if Terry Jones would finally give up.


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