Saturday, February 26, 2011

Do You Think This Is Awesome??

Dal Britannia al bunga bunga

Ancora un salto indietro nel tempo. Torniamo al 1992, più precisamente al 2 giugno 1992 e saliamo a bordo del Britannia, il panfilo di sua maestà la regina di Inghilterra, in rotta lungo le coste tirreniche, da Civitavecchia all’Argentario. Girando tra gli splendidi saloni del panfilo ci imbattiamo nel gotha della finanza internazionale, oltre cento tra banchieri e uomini d’affari da tutto il mondo, soprattutto statunitensi, inglesi e olandesi (svetta su tutti il nome di George Soros). Tra gli italiani Mario Draghi e, forse, l’attuale ministro dell’economia Giulio Tremonti. Siamo nel bel mezzo di una riunione in cui proprio Mario Draghi illustra ai big della City il maxi programma divestiture and privatization of the Italian State: a real dismantling of the state as entrepreneur. Rather, the price to pay to enter the top clubs in the euro area "(the quotation marks is the same Tremonti). A plan that the Dragons, as Director General of the Treasury, will accomplish: in the eight years following the newly baptized Amato government will start the liquidation of hundreds of companies (thousands and thousands of jobs) in the group EFIM (holding parastatal shared together individuals of various industrial giants of the South), and the transformation of large public spa (on all ENEL, ENI, IRI and INA). By the auction will also Italian. Along with countless buildings, ended up in the hands of the U.S. giants Goldman Sachs (the only area of \u200b\u200bSan Donato Milanese ENI measuring 300 000 square meters), Morgan Stanley and Carlyle (the group whose main shareholders belong to the Bush family and Bin Laden): According to statistics, only in real estate, foreign groups have snapped up ex-public assets worth 15 thousand billion lire (against 11 thousand ended up in the hands of private national, including the kings of the brick IPI, Pirelli, cleansing , Regulations, Ligresti).
On board the Britannia, also would have reached agreements for a supersvalutazione the pound: it happens, for Italy will follow a Black September, with a devaluation of the national currency of 30% that will force the then Governor of Bank of Italy Carlo Azeglio Ciampi to drain the resources of the central bank (almost 50 billion dollars) to tackle the big speculative attack against the pound.
to slip a paw too heavily Moody's rating agency, which he dismissed as our Bot. A maxi-insider trading remained unpunished.
was 1992, the year of Tangentopoli (the arrest of Mario Chiesa, finished first politician in handcuffs, had been only 100 days before the meeting on board the Britannia) notices of investigations and that they saw involved ministers, deputies, senators and businessmen, led revealed a widespread system of patronage, corruption and illegal financing of political parties, but especially gave birth to a large public outcry against the policy and its rot. Here's the excuse thrown to the masses for keeping your hands away from the economy and the state party secretaries by boards of state enterprises.
Today, almost twenty years later, the PM and the Italian people discover again, suddenly, the private vice of the political class, his nights out and its sweet pleasures. Again railed against the caste. And looming on the horizon right names for a "new" political phase, to governments and executive technical unit National: Dragons, Monti, Montezemolo. And someone already talk of a new era of liberal reforms and privatizations.

Finite clearance sales in 2001, Mario Draghi has finished on the payroll (as vice-president and then to the summit of the "Management Committee") of its Goldman Sachs, which had many affairs in Italy.


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