Friday, February 25, 2011

Levis In The Loop Belt


The events of recent weeks we impose proper thanks.
thank Roberto Benigni for his lectures on patriotism, embraced by all progressive people have always deployed in support of country and morality ...
thank, then, friends of United States of America because they were once again the only ones who voted against yet another useless UN resolution against Jewish settlements in Palestinian territory. This happened while Barack Obama dined with casual look with the new "wizards" (the quotation and package) of the web economy, namely the various owner of Facebook, Yahoo, Google and Apple: those who have given us a false world, artifact and virtual, where the only thing concrete is the cataloging of all the archives of the world police.
Finally, we also thank the Italian people, European and worldwide for his gullibility, for his righteousness in front of the feasts of the Knight, from a past life, in the last twenty years, watching Big Brother and the butt of showgirls.
We thank them because they remind us that our dream is Europe, that of tradition, art, culture, law and civilization. And how
says Roberto Benigni, the only way to realize a dream is to wake up. Just fight pay!


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