Sunday, February 20, 2011

Xanax Help Quit Smoking?

La guerra del gas

Let's take a small step back in time.
December 26, 2004, the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine, and funded covert operation the U.S., ended with the victory of the protest leaders Vicktor Yushchenko for president. Winds of Change. Ukraine from Russian satellite country now looks to the EU from which it receives the status of "market economy". The Russian response was charging for the gas exports through Ukraine to Europe at market prices (230 $ / cubic 1000m), instead of a special price as it had been until now (60 $ / cubic 1000m). Following a diplomatic crisis Gazprom decided to close the taps to Kiev, with the result that European imports suffered a dramatic decline, having to tap into oil reserves.
The tension of a possible repeat of the energy crisis prompted Gazprom to seek other ways more secure Europe.
May 15, 2009, in the presence of Silvio Berlusconi and Vladimir Putin is the agreement signed between ENI and Gazprom for the construction by 2015 of a gas pipeline, South Stream, which leads from Russia via the Black Sea and Balkan regions, 64 billion cubic meters of gas per year directly to Europe. "Behind these numbers are the agreements of great political significance, because all of this gas will arrive in Europe without having to transit through the territory of Ukraine" So said Eni CEO Paolo Scaroni its signing. But
energy supply from the east is a problem to which EU countries are looking for a solution anche tra altre possibilità, tra le quali la più importante è il progetto Nabucco. Nato nel tentativo di trovare una soluzione alternativa all’approvvigionamento del gas dalla Russia, fortemente compromessa dalle “guerre energetiche” con l’Ucraina e dalla guerra russo-georgiana dell’agosto 2008, costituito dal consorzio di 6 compagnie europee e non (di Turchia, Bulgaria, Romania, Ungheria, Austria, Germania), Nabucco sarà lungo 3.300 km. Dovrà trasportare circa 30 miliardi di metri cubi di gas dalla regione del Caspio e dall’Asia Centrale, passando per i paesi sopra citati. Ovviamente avvallato e promosso dagli Stati Uniti (senza contare che il gas arriva dai paesi come Georgia e Azerbaigian "Redeemed" by the color revolutions). Here too, the Russian counter-move is not long in coming: a Russian-Turkmen agreement establishing the sale of two thirds of the production of gas to Gazprom and Azerbaijan also promised to buy his gas at higher price than agreed with Europe , leaving the reserves of Nabucco dry.
But ENI's activities on Russian soil are not limited to South Stream: over the years has built the Blue Stream pipeline and the offshore pipelines from Sakhalin, has signed contracts to sell gas in Russia, has won the exploitation of some Russian fields. He returned to Gazprom 20% stake in Gazprom Neft ', purchased by Jukos, ended up in bankruptcy after the arrest of Mikhail Khodorkhovskij (The fight was already interested in this character, December 30, 2010).
In this scenario of the Cold War the energy range of ENI is courageous. There will be a new case Mattei?


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