Monday, January 10, 2011

How To Wear Knee Length Skirt And Leggings

"la sindrome dello scavo"

"Ripenso to that word, which is not wild-grown . View: wasteland - which had occurred to me one day while talking to Marguerite. And the relationship that exists between the culture of books and sample the culture of Jerusalem. Not because it is cultivated land that is not good for potatoes or whatever. Think about it, you do not dig the soil that makes the best prepares him to accept only well semine.Gli aria.Questo gives me to conclude that not because one is not cultivable wasteland. Just come across a good gardener ..."*

Well, I think it's like that with books, I am suffering from the syndrome of the dig, I like to dig in dictionaries as in the ground. Plant and grow a little look 'everywhere, even in old books put so much weight, build the foundation excavation and construction paper, grafting and cuttings to propagate.

The Jerusalem artichoke, also called ciapinabò,
tupinabò, taratufolo, truffle, stain, artichoke cane, potatoes in Canada, etc.., Is a spontaneous herbaceous plant, close relative of the sunflower, from which, however, differs in having flowers much smaller, because it forms underground edible tubers, whose flavor is reminiscent of artichoke.

Topinambur seems to be originating in North America and Canada, and was cultivated by many people in South America already at the time of the discovery of the New World (1492). Brought to Europe, it spread almost everywhere. In Italy grows naturally along streams, in fallow fields, along trails and country roads, even in the rubble, almost anywhere, in full sun.

The construction of a small pie with Jerusalem artichoke, which makes Jonathan Whalers is true that deserves to be cultivated!

* A head of wild , Marie Roger Sabine, Ponte alle Grazie


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