Friday, January 28, 2011

Singapore's Lifestyle In The 1970s To The 1980s

diario senza inizio. nota 5. piantare a bologna

A Bologna le Talee sono state messe a dimora.
Talee di terra questa volta, talee nei libri nel modo piĆ¹ letterale possibile.
Scavare, ovunque, scavare nei libri per dare loro nuova vita, attraverso un corpo estraneo che si innesta nella materia. Un esempio, solo un esempio,  di quello che i libri possono diventare supporto, corpo, superficie. Libri non come immagini del mondo ma come piccole macchine di terra e di volumi.
E' ancora il pensiero di Deleuze ad ispirare piantumazioni multiple:
" A book exists only from the outside and outside.
So a book is in itself a small car, which in turn measurable relationship, put that machine with a literary war machine, a love machine, a revolutionary machine, etc.. and an abstract machine that pulls all ? "
The cuttings in the books of the books are little machines of land, open loop, created by grafting, challenging the divisions between world and book, art and nature.
So in Bologna someone stopped in front of this do and imagined worlds, he thought that to do in relation to its products elsewhere, and tried connections.
stories of other plants, other grafts, other stories:
"It would be nice to work on children as well, with his hands, plants, balloons, it would be nice to host you in our garden, a public garden, beautiful of all, to make that ... "
"Planting or crying? Plants, perhaps, but we are no strangers to tears ..."
"I speak to you, I'm reading a wonderful book" les livres Manger ... "a great analyst, a great man, a fighter ..."
thought would be nice to follow these links for the moment, do multiple increase their territory, according to the becoming of the cuttings.
" The multiple must be done. Follow the plants, extend the line of flight. The rain ought to have carried away the seeds, follow the rivulets of rain, those who dug the water, so you will know the direction of flow. He tries to plant in that direction, we are as far away from you.
all that grows between these two, you belong .

G. Deleuze. Rizoma (1980)

Pisa January 29, 2011


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