Friday, January 28, 2011

Mario Salieri Football Online

"Le testament d'un Européen" di Jean de Brem

Translation from "The Testament of a Européen", by Jean de Brem:
"I feel miserable weigh on my shoulders the enormous weight of the most glorious heritage. To me, that I'm not worth anything, civilization has made a huge gift: the heritage of Europe. It 'made with treasures and memories. Each of us, I think, in London and Vienna, Berlin and Madrid, Athens and Warsaw, Rome and Paris, Sofia and Belgrade, must feel the same drama. Each of us is the last of the Europeans. I am the unworthy heir of a family of giants. [...] I will die without posterity, made sterile by the nuclear or slain by a fanatic. And my brother who knows the same fate. Giants ahead of us, heroes and sages, explorers and land explorers of the soul, and Antonini Caesars, kings and captains, profiles strict liturgical vestments, beautiful courtesans or ruthless brutes. A procession of great figures, radiant with splendor and power, is spread before our eyes, an immense burden for our contemporaries.


Tacciatemi of romance, who cares?!
For me, the treasure of the world is a child of Velasquez, an opera by Wagner or a Gothic cathedral. It 'an ordeal Breton or a necropolis of Champagne. It 's the Romencero del Cid, or face dell'Enfant Greek Hugo. Grave Hotel des Invalides, o la grande aquila di Schonbrunn, l'Alcazar di Toledo, o il Colosseo di Roma, la torre di Londra, o quella di Galata, il sangue di Budapest o la quadriga orgogliosa della Porta di Brandeburgo, divenuta la frontiera dell'Europa mutilata.
Per tutte queste pietre, per tutte queste aquile e per tutte queste croci, per la memoria dell'eroismo e del genio dei nostri padri, per la nostra terra minacciata di schiavitù e il ricordo di un grande passato, la lotta non sarà mai vana".

Testo originale:
"Je sens peser sur mes épaules misérables le poids démesuré du plus glorieux des héritages. A moi, qui ne 'm nothing and does nothing, the civilization made a huge gift: the heritage of Europe. It is made of treasures and memories. Each of us, I believe, in London and Vienna, Berlin and Madrid, Athens and Warsaw, Rome and Paris, Sofia and Belgrade should feel the same drama. Each of us is the last of the Europeans. I am the stupid prince from a family of giants. [...] I shall die without issue, sterilized by the atom or murdered by a fanatic. And my brothers have the same fate. Giants before us, heroes and scientists, explorers Earth and explorers of the soul of Caesar and Antony, monarchs and captains, silhouettes severe frock, beautiful courtesans or raw unrelenting. A whole series of major figures, resplendent glory and power, takes place in our eyes, an immense burden to our contemporaries. [...] Tax it
me romance, never mind! For me, the treasure of the world is an Infanta of Velasquez, a Wagner opera or a Gothic cathedral. Calvary is a Breton or a necropolis of Champagne. Ballads of the Cid is the, or the face of Hugo's "The Greek child. It is a tomb of the Invalides, or the Great Eagle Schonbrunn, the Alcázar of Toledo, or the Coliseum in Rome, the Tower of London, or that of Galata, the blood of Budapest or the quadriga proud of the Brandenburg Gate became the border of Europe mutilated. For these stones, for all the eagles and all the crosses to the memory of the heroism and genius of our forefathers, our land threatened with slavery and the memory of a great past, the fight will never vain.


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