Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rate Of Respiration Of A Mammal And Reptile

Il golpe di Ben Ali

Ventotto di giorni hanno messo fine alla protests Presidenza di Zin el Abidin Ben Ali in Tunis salito al potere nel 1987 with a coup, supported by the Italian Earthquakes: former head of the Tunisian secret service, five weeks after being appointed prime minister, he judged unable to senility and Bourguiba declared himself President in his place. The support did not like very Italian operation to France: 24 hours after a bomb exploded at the Lighthouse Tremiti.
But let's step back for a better understanding.
In 1983, the octogenarian Bourguiba, Tunisia's president, issued an edict that sanctioned the increase in cereal prices, causing a motion of the square that destabilized the government of neighboring Algeria, Bourguiba was no longer able to maintain calm in his Country and was eliminated from the political scene. The situation did not improve with the passage of time, so that next year the Algerian prime minister confided to Benjedid Craxi, then leader of the council that they intend to invade Tunisia to avoid problems in the pipeline, right across the Tunisian territory, pumped Algerian natural gas in Italy. The Italian prime minister succeeded in Benjedid desist from his intentions and, back in Italy, began negotiations with Algiers, by the Earthquakes, in the person of Admiral Martini: The two countries agreed to a regime change in Tunis and recognized in Ben Ali man to bet on. Martini also flew to Paris to inform and engage with the leaders of the DGSE (intelligence) who claim to still maintain some control suggli business in Algeria, its former colony. In Paris, however, were not enthusiastic about moves and Italian enterprise, they too believed that it was time to dismiss Bourguiba, however, had other names on which to focus.
Nevertheless Ben Ali was able to proclaim himself the new president. And the next day, as already mentioned, the islands Tremiti exploded a bomb, planted by two Swiss. At first it was thought by Gadhafi, who claimed the islands as compensation for colionalismo Italian. It was the Corriere della Sera, in 1996, for hypothesise a revenge-warning of Paris: a view confirmed by the same in the Martini 1999 in his book of memoirs.
However things have gone really, another Italian mystery. The same shadows that surround other bombs and other massacres.


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