Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Resize A Jacket

diario senza inizio. nota a margine. fare in n-1

Forse non avevamo capito quanto è difficile essere Talee. E' dura la vita di chi  non cresce dal proprio seme, di chi non si propaga dal proprio centro, ma esiste innestandosi sul terreno di altri, scommettendo sulla coltura/cultura di altri. Le librerie sono tutte diverse, città che vai libreria che trovi, quelle grandi e piene di libri, quelle piccole piene di cose, quelle che si lasciano contaminare e oltre ai libri trovi un bancone per le birre, i tavoli per le chiacchiere e magari anche gli strumenti lasciati lì per le serate di musica. Ogni volta le Talee devono innestarsi e trovare spazio come e dove è possibile e provare a crescere. E' così che si può sperare in vite molteplici, in avventure impreviste. It 's so, we hope that the existing plans may be a thousand. Yet there is something disturbing in all this. Think of the meetings, without taking into account collisions, collisions, fragments of contingency in which we stumble. E 'stronger than us, when we design something, even something that in theory the idea to tear down one of the subject, start time, to insist on respect on the joints, on the strength of the layers, unexpected and displace our look, then, inevitably, seek the house. Rather we look for the tree in front of the house, that safe place, which was already before us, eager to think and look calm, leaning against the trunk. So the tree, nature, becomes a part of our world, as the subject of nature becomes the object of our identity. But, says Deleuze, "nature does not act like this: the roots are a taproot, branching to the richest, or lateral move, not dichotomous (nature / art, nature / culture etc). The spirit is late on the nature . Writing, making art, we can not really get out of this delay, and forever free of all this nostalgia: the world has become chaos, but we continue to try to build ordered little worlds, "works." E 'stronger than us but the "many" must do not always adding a higher dimension, on the contrary, as simply as possible, by dint of sobriety, n-1.
Subtract the unique from the multiplicity to be built; do n-1 ".


Pisa January 25, 2010


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