Monday, November 15, 2010

Respiration Of Mammals Vs. Reptiles

Se metà delle vittime sono miliziani di Hamas...

"Gli autori del rapporto Goldstone ci devono delle scuse": è As stated in recent days the Israeli prime minister, Netanyahu visited the Assembly of Jewish federations in North America.
What is this infamous Goldstone?
This is a document written by the homonymous magistrate of South African Jewish origin, whom the UN has accused the army of Jerusalem and the militias of Hamas did not observe the conventions of war and have targeted on civilians during Operation Lead Time, by which Israel, between December 2008 and January 2009, has invaded the Gaza Strip to stop rocket attacks by Palestinians. With this act, the UN has imposed an ultimatum of six months to both parties produce evidence and witnesses in his favor, otherwise the Hague international court could establish a legal process.
But what then is the reason for this outrage by Netanyahu? He said it himself: it was shown that half of those killed were Hamas militants in the offensive.
And the other half?
Monday, November 8, was made public a new program of colonial expansion: 1300 new homes near East Jerusalem, in the villages of Har Homa and Ramot.


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