Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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17 marzo 1861: il popolo contro la nazione

17 marzo 1861: Vittorio Emanuele II è proclamato Re d’Italia. È l’ultimo atto di una storia secolare, iniziata nel 1789: la resistenza delle masse controrivoluzionarie alle “magnifiche sorti e progressive” che, con la Rivoluzione Francese, avevano fatto irruzione nel loro orizzonte. Una lotta tra due visioni del mondo inconciliabili. Una storia ricca di avvenimenti, azioni, persone e idee: i Vandeani del 1793 e del 1832, i Lazzari napoletani, la Brigata Estense, i Barbacani pontifici, i briganti meridionali, gli ufficiali europei che guidarono le sollevazioni antiunitarie.
La storiografia ufficiale (che nel migliore dei casi ricorda questi avvenimenti en passant, come episodi di vana resistenza of people outside of history, consigned to a lost world) can not hide the popular reaction to the Revolution and the Risorgimento. A reaction that was popular opposition against military and civilian men and ideas that tended to destroy the Catholic faith. A popular response was that deep sense of loyalty to the legitimate dynastic kings, alone, guarantee the independence and the structure of natural organic community. A popular response was that the economic liberalism that bank, thereby enriching the bourgeoisie, would have thrown the underprivileged classes in the real misery ("who takes bread and vinu 'to be ess' giacubbinu). The revolt
antiunitaria of southern populations engaged in the repression un esercito di circa 120mila uomini, tenendolo, spesso, in scacco. Perché i pontefici o i Borboni, campioni (secondo la vulgata) di malgoverno, di assolutismo, di soprusi e di oppressioni, non conobbero mai una sollevazione ed una ribellione così forte e di tale lunga durata? Perché Mazzini o Pisacane non attrassero e non ebbero dalla loro le popolazioni contadine del Sud? Perché queste insorsero spontaneamente e con veemenza contro quella stessa classe dirigente che diceva di combattere in suo nome? Il popolo non seguì i principi di purificazione scritti sulle bandiere dell’esercito piemontese, aveva nella mente e nel cuore idee di Libertà diverse: non le astrattezze illuministiche, ma realtà concrete. Non l’astratta nation, but the actual community. As he had written years before Monsieur de Charette, a leader Vendeans, "our home for us are our villages, our altars, our tombs, all that our fathers loved before us. Our homeland is our faith, our land. But what is their country for them? They have the brains, we feel beneath our feet. "
The whole story of the pre-unification states, their armies of the Holy Faith, Vendée, Gaeta, brigands and Real Brigades is one of the last expressions of an opposition front aggressiveness of modernity, viewed as the embodiment of ' ideology borghese, illuminista e razionalista, divenuta territorio occupato dal nichilismo, dove ogni contatto con l’assoluto diviene impossibile.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Cronache di viaggio

Giorni di viaggio  per Talee,  siamo andati a Roma  a trovare la libreria Koob   che ci ospiterà ad aprile  in un giorno di pioggia e influenza, incantate dalla generosità dello spazio e dei proprietari. Siamo andate a Venezia, alla libreria Marco Polo dove faremo tappa durante la Biennale in giornate carnevalizie scoprendo nuove calli e nuovi amici librai. Siamo stati a Genova alla libreria Books in the Casba perdendoci tra i vicoli per l'altra tappa di aprile in contemporanea ad Euroflora.
Librerie belle, piene di vitalità , di passione, di idee, avamposti della propagazione della lettura.  Abbiamo comprato libri, ascoltato storie di luoghi e di librai, arricchendo Talee di  incontri e di testi. Sarà una stagione intensa piena di riflessioni e di nuovi lavori.

 ecco le date della "tourneè"
8 Aprile Libreria Koob,  via  Luigi Poletti 2, Roma
23 Aprile Libreria Books in the Casba , via Prè 137R,  Genova
28 Maggio Libreria Marco Polo , Cannaregio5886/A, Venezia

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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Dietro la "svolta" di Fini

Per conoscere la reale natura di Fini non c’era bisogno dello scandalo estivo dell’appartamento monegasco, la rottura con Berlusconi, il dito puntato contro quest’ultimo, la cacciata/fuoriuscita dal PdL, la nascita del FLI o la fine ingloriosa dell’omonimo gruppo al Senato. Né ci serviranno le future puntate di questa telenovela tutta italiana.
Così non ci siamo stupiti della sua ennesima conversione, ultimo passo di una lungo percorso iniziato all’ingresso di un cinema bolognese dove era in proiezione “Berretti Verdi” e finito sullo scranno più alto di Monte Citorio: passo dopo passo, abiura dopo abiura, tradimento dopo tradimento, con una vistosa accelerata a partire dal 2002/2003, quando, chiamato a rappresentare l’Italia presso la commissione incaricata di redigere la Costituzione Europea, fu iniziato ai circoli del potere politico-finanziario di Bruxelles, come un bambino al primo giorno di scuola (sono le sue parole). Ci è chiaro da tempo il suo obiettivo di trasformare la destra italiana in nuovo Partito d’Azione, “degno del miglior Scalfaro d’annata” (è la felice intuizione con cui Ernesto Galli della Loggia ha liquidato la nuova, e vuota, establishment of religion professed by Fini). He's right
Camillo Langone: it is useless to waste time and talk to the Fini or ideas, just look at its improbable pink ties.
few words should be spent instead to see what is behind the confrontation Berlusconi-Fini and find out who is behind Fini and his men, ready to take advantage of unprecedented future scenarios.
The first to enjoy a fall of rider? Rupert Murdoch, the world's leading telecoms entrepreneur and owner of Sky, Mediaset's main competitor: his son, James Murdoch, has agreed with Fini, former mouthpiece finiano Barbareschi, launching a new channel, Babel, dedicated to the great citizenship, tanto caro, ultimamente, al presidente della Camera.
Stretti anche i contatti con la magistratura, in particolare con l’Anm di Palamara e, tramite Granata, con il pool siciliano di indagine sulle trattative Stato-Mafia.
Ma a pesare sono soprattutto i legami con l’imprenditoria campana. Italo Bocchino (vicepresidente, sebbene contestato, di FLI) possiede partecipazioni nella società editrice del quotidiano Il Roma (di cui è stato anche amministratore) e forti legami con Vincenzo Maria Greco, già tutto-fare di Cirino Pomicino e plurindagato per Tangentopoli. A Tangentopoli rimanda anche la moglie di Bocchino, la figlia di Eugenio Buontempo, imprenditore napoletano, condannato per corruzione.
In Campania opera Cosenza also Livio, committed (together with Finmeccanica and Pirelli) from 600 million in a project to redevelop the area of \u200b\u200bCampi Flegrei with the construction of railway stations, ports, roads and parking lots. Guess who, in Parliament, has declared a state of emergency for the area and called for public funding of the project amounted to 500 million? His daughter, Giulia Cosenza, deputy Finian.
Finally, a quick glance at the names of the Board of Trustees Farefuturo: Emilio Cremona (Chairman of the metallurgical Focrem), Giancarlo Ongis (president and CEO of the giant Metal Group Spa), Rosario Cancila (shareholder "Schioppo the agricultural land, the whose members are the sons of Adolfo Urso).

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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citazioni incolte

"Adrift in the grip of a bizarre and bad luck" - Paolo Conte -

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diario politico

lost its meaning, the words are mixed, they co-founded, you customize, orphan of a dictionary social trust, that I've finished incoming and outgoing calls. For now, I defend myself with a technical standard that can not last. It will not be a month and if it dies or goes away, I will vote to dissolve the lien and pay. I stop. I'm at home, the last border horde. It 'difficult, but much less than Asinara, indeed. No one forces me and only one can satisfy the demand. I do the tour in late month, Metastasio in Prato and reduced the possible impact of the inevitable social and family attacco la fermata ad oltranza. Fermata Obbligatoria.  Avrei preferito uno sciopero generale proclamato per una settimana, tre giorni al massimo e si sarebbe sfarinato. Non è andata così pazienza.

Monday, February 28, 2011

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citazioni incolte

"Sentivo la necessità di distanziarmi da tutto e tutti, avevo bisogno di una separazione tattile e sensoriale. Così senza tante storie, mi defilai, eclissandomi nel mio primo e solo momento di esilio volontario." - Wole Soyhka -

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diario politico

Come una nemesi, per sgretolamento sanguinario gran parte del suo mondo svanisce. Ora insieme al sordo ronzio dei buoni consigli, arrivano gli inviti diretti delle maggiori democrazie occidentali a lasciare il paese. Loro garantiranno the safe conduct into exile that you choose. In a thousand Ascari led him to resist only to strengthen and defend the booty amassed during his reign, not one that has at least a good reason to prefer him dead rather than in disgrace. He does it instinctively, but who knows the great hunter is the prey this time. Goodnight

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Do You Think This Is Awesome??

Dal Britannia al bunga bunga

Ancora un salto indietro nel tempo. Torniamo al 1992, più precisamente al 2 giugno 1992 e saliamo a bordo del Britannia, il panfilo di sua maestà la regina di Inghilterra, in rotta lungo le coste tirreniche, da Civitavecchia all’Argentario. Girando tra gli splendidi saloni del panfilo ci imbattiamo nel gotha della finanza internazionale, oltre cento tra banchieri e uomini d’affari da tutto il mondo, soprattutto statunitensi, inglesi e olandesi (svetta su tutti il nome di George Soros). Tra gli italiani Mario Draghi e, forse, l’attuale ministro dell’economia Giulio Tremonti. Siamo nel bel mezzo di una riunione in cui proprio Mario Draghi illustra ai big della City il maxi programma divestiture and privatization of the Italian State: a real dismantling of the state as entrepreneur. Rather, the price to pay to enter the top clubs in the euro area "(the quotation marks is the same Tremonti). A plan that the Dragons, as Director General of the Treasury, will accomplish: in the eight years following the newly baptized Amato government will start the liquidation of hundreds of companies (thousands and thousands of jobs) in the group EFIM (holding parastatal shared together individuals of various industrial giants of the South), and the transformation of large public spa (on all ENEL, ENI, IRI and INA). By the auction will also Italian. Along with countless buildings, ended up in the hands of the U.S. giants Goldman Sachs (the only area of \u200b\u200bSan Donato Milanese ENI measuring 300 000 square meters), Morgan Stanley and Carlyle (the group whose main shareholders belong to the Bush family and Bin Laden): According to statistics, only in real estate, foreign groups have snapped up ex-public assets worth 15 thousand billion lire (against 11 thousand ended up in the hands of private national, including the kings of the brick IPI, Pirelli, cleansing , Regulations, Ligresti).
On board the Britannia, also would have reached agreements for a supersvalutazione the pound: it happens, for Italy will follow a Black September, with a devaluation of the national currency of 30% that will force the then Governor of Bank of Italy Carlo Azeglio Ciampi to drain the resources of the central bank (almost 50 billion dollars) to tackle the big speculative attack against the pound.
to slip a paw too heavily Moody's rating agency, which he dismissed as our Bot. A maxi-insider trading remained unpunished.
was 1992, the year of Tangentopoli (the arrest of Mario Chiesa, finished first politician in handcuffs, had been only 100 days before the meeting on board the Britannia) notices of investigations and that they saw involved ministers, deputies, senators and businessmen, led revealed a widespread system of patronage, corruption and illegal financing of political parties, but especially gave birth to a large public outcry against the policy and its rot. Here's the excuse thrown to the masses for keeping your hands away from the economy and the state party secretaries by boards of state enterprises.
Today, almost twenty years later, the PM and the Italian people discover again, suddenly, the private vice of the political class, his nights out and its sweet pleasures. Again railed against the caste. And looming on the horizon right names for a "new" political phase, to governments and executive technical unit National: Dragons, Monti, Montezemolo. And someone already talk of a new era of liberal reforms and privatizations.

Finite clearance sales in 2001, Mario Draghi has finished on the payroll (as vice-president and then to the summit of the "Management Committee") of its Goldman Sachs, which had many affairs in Italy.

Friday, February 25, 2011

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The events of recent weeks we impose proper thanks.
thank Roberto Benigni for his lectures on patriotism, embraced by all progressive people have always deployed in support of country and morality ...
thank, then, friends of United States of America because they were once again the only ones who voted against yet another useless UN resolution against Jewish settlements in Palestinian territory. This happened while Barack Obama dined with casual look with the new "wizards" (the quotation and package) of the web economy, namely the various owner of Facebook, Yahoo, Google and Apple: those who have given us a false world, artifact and virtual, where the only thing concrete is the cataloging of all the archives of the world police.
Finally, we also thank the Italian people, European and worldwide for his gullibility, for his righteousness in front of the feasts of the Knight, from a past life, in the last twenty years, watching Big Brother and the butt of showgirls.
We thank them because they remind us that our dream is Europe, that of tradition, art, culture, law and civilization. And how
says Roberto Benigni, the only way to realize a dream is to wake up. Just fight pay!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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La guerra del gas

Let's take a small step back in time.
December 26, 2004, the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine, and funded covert operation the U.S., ended with the victory of the protest leaders Vicktor Yushchenko for president. Winds of Change. Ukraine from Russian satellite country now looks to the EU from which it receives the status of "market economy". The Russian response was charging for the gas exports through Ukraine to Europe at market prices (230 $ / cubic 1000m), instead of a special price as it had been until now (60 $ / cubic 1000m). Following a diplomatic crisis Gazprom decided to close the taps to Kiev, with the result that European imports suffered a dramatic decline, having to tap into oil reserves.
The tension of a possible repeat of the energy crisis prompted Gazprom to seek other ways more secure Europe.
May 15, 2009, in the presence of Silvio Berlusconi and Vladimir Putin is the agreement signed between ENI and Gazprom for the construction by 2015 of a gas pipeline, South Stream, which leads from Russia via the Black Sea and Balkan regions, 64 billion cubic meters of gas per year directly to Europe. "Behind these numbers are the agreements of great political significance, because all of this gas will arrive in Europe without having to transit through the territory of Ukraine" So said Eni CEO Paolo Scaroni its signing. But
energy supply from the east is a problem to which EU countries are looking for a solution anche tra altre possibilità, tra le quali la più importante è il progetto Nabucco. Nato nel tentativo di trovare una soluzione alternativa all’approvvigionamento del gas dalla Russia, fortemente compromessa dalle “guerre energetiche” con l’Ucraina e dalla guerra russo-georgiana dell’agosto 2008, costituito dal consorzio di 6 compagnie europee e non (di Turchia, Bulgaria, Romania, Ungheria, Austria, Germania), Nabucco sarà lungo 3.300 km. Dovrà trasportare circa 30 miliardi di metri cubi di gas dalla regione del Caspio e dall’Asia Centrale, passando per i paesi sopra citati. Ovviamente avvallato e promosso dagli Stati Uniti (senza contare che il gas arriva dai paesi come Georgia e Azerbaigian "Redeemed" by the color revolutions). Here too, the Russian counter-move is not long in coming: a Russian-Turkmen agreement establishing the sale of two thirds of the production of gas to Gazprom and Azerbaijan also promised to buy his gas at higher price than agreed with Europe , leaving the reserves of Nabucco dry.
But ENI's activities on Russian soil are not limited to South Stream: over the years has built the Blue Stream pipeline and the offshore pipelines from Sakhalin, has signed contracts to sell gas in Russia, has won the exploitation of some Russian fields. He returned to Gazprom 20% stake in Gazprom Neft ', purchased by Jukos, ended up in bankruptcy after the arrest of Mikhail Khodorkhovskij (The fight was already interested in this character, December 30, 2010).
In this scenario of the Cold War the energy range of ENI is courageous. There will be a new case Mattei?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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citazioni incolte

"It may seem paradoxical, but the word can not do justice pleasant word of rebellion" - Gianrico Carofiglio -

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diario politico

Coming in Sardinia was almost mandatory. He needed to get away from the hubbub of intolerable cui sapeva essere il maggiore artefice e che ormai non era più in grado di controllare. A guardato schifato le immagini dei suoi sostenitori prima davanti al palazzo di giustizia, poi in teatro con quelle orribili mutande stese e ha provato senza vincerlo un ribrezzo infinito. Aveva bisogno di perdere lo sguardo in un orizzonte che non gli mostrasse niente di umano e di nessun pensiero. La primavera impertinente gli stava regalando senza chiedergli niente in cambio una felicità dimenticata. Poi il dispaccio dall'ambasciata egiziana "Massima Urgenza" recitava l'intestazione, in un attimo la tavola turchese del del mare si è trasformata nella porta dell'abisso  e il fruscio armonioso del maestrale nel sibilo di mille serpenti. "Stia calmo presidente, non si tratta della ragazza", il tremore ci messo un pò a scomparire anche dopo che ha capito che lo informavano "solo" che il saggio Mubarak si stava lasciando morire. Decide di ripartire immediatamente cacciando di malo modo le truccatrici. Sapeva di non essersi mai sentito così vecchio, stanco e solo.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Roma e Mosca, mai così vicine

In recent years, the distance between Rome and Moscow has been shortened as a result of a series of strategic decisions by the Italian governments, especially those led by Berlusconi, a personal friend of Vladimir Putin: economy, participating in energy projects set by the Kremlin, in various geopolitical crisis, opting to support the choices Russian, in contrast with the United States. A relationship between Berlusconi and Russia, which began in 1988 when the Publitalia 80, thanks to the mediation of the leaders of the PCI became the only advertising agency for companies across Europe on Soviet television channels: a market, then, 280 million people through 100 million TV sets. Knight aside, no Italian government has never ignored yesterday the USSR, now Russia, is under the Prodi government that Eni and Gazprom have signed agreements for the construction of South Stream gas pipeline (which will be discussed more fully in the next article).
But first things first. And we start from the NATO summit in April 2008 when the Italian government deployed contro la proposta statunitense di concedere a Georgia e Ucraina, appena uscite dalle rispettive rivoluzioni colorate, la Membership Action Plan per agevolarne l’ingresso nell’Alleanza Atlantica. E arriviamo alla guerra georgiana dell’agosto 2008, quando Berlusconi si impegnò per una soluzione diplomatica del conflitto e, soprattutto, evitare al Cremlino sanzioni internazionali. L’indipendenza del Kosovo e il progetto di scudo antimissile da posizionarsi tra Varsavia e Praga sono, per il premier Berlusconi, continue provocazioni. E come se non bastasse, in qualità di presidente di turno del G8, nel 2009, il governo italiano ha rilanciato i lavori per la creazione di un comune spazio euroasiatico, sancito da un trattato sulla sicurezza paneuropea.
Intanto, in attesa dell’auspicata futura integrazione della Russia in Europa, l’Italia continua a correre da sola verso Mosca. L’interscambio commerciali supera i 25 miliardi di euro, con più di 10 miliardi di esportazioni tricolori. A legarci a doppio filo sono sicuramente le materie prime combustibile: il 70% delle importazioni dalla Russia è costituito da gas e petrolio. Ma, come già detto, ai rapporti tra Eni e Gazprom dedicheremo un capitolo a parte, la prossima settimana.
Prescindendo, quindi, per il momento, dal settore energetico, altra realtà di punta dell’imprenditoria italiana in Russia è Finmeccanica: tra gli altri, ha siglato accordi per la costruzione e la vendita di velivoli per il trasporto regionale, per l’assemblaggio di elicotteri civili, l’installazione di un sistema di controllo e sicurezza del traffico su rotaie. Anche l’Enel è fortemente radicata con interessi che spaziano dai campi di gas siberiani al settore nucleare alla distribuzione e vendita di energia elettrica. E poi automobili, elettronica, abbigliamento, calzature, mobili. Ma anche edilizia, metallurgia, ceramica, agroalimentare, banche. E nello stesso tempo aziende russe fanno affari nello Stivale, rilevando aziende siderurgiche, gestendo porti (Rimini), costruendo, acquistando e vendendo immobili. E l’elenco potrebbe continuare ancora per molto.
Insomma: nei confronti della Russia, l’Italia has definitely taken its own independent foreign policy. Just enough to annoy Washington.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

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Friday, February 11, 2011

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citazioni incolte

"Berlusconi presidente" - Anonimo _

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diario politico

Ora che anche l'ultimo argine ha ceduto e la parola guerra è una delle tante che risuonano a difesa del suo inarrestabile declino, ora come non mai il disprezzo per gli amici e i nemici lo lasciano in una solitudine millenaria riservata agli dei. Sa che la guerra è già vinta perché già combattuta. Lui in trincea c'è da sempre e sono stati gli anni del liceo dai salesiani a forgiarne il metodo e gli obiettivi. Gli era bastato stimolare prima e assecondare poi gli istinti peccaminosi che invano certi uomini tentano di soffocare sotto una tonaca nera per averne il controllo totale e garantirsi una brillantissima carriera scolastica evitando che il tedio per lo studio rallentasse la sua marcia. Da allora prima di preoccuparsi del nemico ha sempre curato con attenzione maniacale la ricatabilità degli amici. Sapeva che questo gli avrebbe dato la forza di costruire un potere inattaccabile perché tutte le partite si sarebbero giocate con le regole morali che lui avrebbe deciso, si trattava solo di renderle plausibili. Mille volte ha ripensato ai giorni del liceo guardando i paginoni di denuncia per le sue malefatte, non li ha mai letti, per questo e c'era il suo esercito di legulei e scribi. Il suo occhio allenato scrutava semmai la ridondanza di cosce e tette che incorniciavano quegli articoli, sicuro che quei frammenti di carne patinata indispensabili alla sopravvivenza dei suoi detrattori, parlavano una lingua che il suo popolo ammantato fin dalla nascita nell'ipocrisia di una tonaca nera, avrebbe capito più di mille parole. La fine poteva arrivare solo per mano sua o della sua stessa stirpe e così è stato, dalla carne della sua carne. Gli altri, i comuni mortali, amici o nemici che siano, anche quando il dramma è svelato colgono solo i dettagli volgari e aberranti e nessuno avrà mai la forza di condannarlo o assolverlo per il suo unico punto debole, quell'amore paterno irrefrenabile che oggi è costretto a placare col sacrificio di mille bambine.      

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pokemon With Genetals

citazioni incolte

"Questa volta il silenzio si fecce spesso. Istintivamente tutti sapevano che toccava al giudice pronunciare il brindisi. Ma nel liquido chiaro del bicchiere lui vide un'onda di capelli biondi scompigliati. Il coniglio nella tagliola." - Paola Barbato -

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diario politico

Due notti fa l'ultima crisi. Non aveva mai messo in conto di incontrare la paura da così vicino. Ha sempre pianto alla notizia di una morte anche quando riguardava persone che conosceva appena, il sapore agrodolce delle lacrime mischiate al fondo tinta stimolando un'ingordigia infantile, generava automaticamente altro pianto. Mentre tutti si affannavano a consolarlo, lui si godeva il gusto della sua pena, felice di fregare ancora una volta dio e gli uomini. Ha anche provato - malgrado i consigli dei medici - a truccarsi pesantemente prima di andare a dormire, dopo l'ultimo tiro, con l'unico risultato che gli specchi gli rendevano con precisione il terrore generato dalla sua incontrollabile disperazione. E' stato quando in una illuminazione fulminate ha capito che il sapore del suo incosciente pianto notturno, era uguale all'odore rancido che malgrado i mille unguenti il cadavere della mother sent her in the kiss of farewell. For two days he can not do without the shaman. To justify the bulky presence of his own "Don Juan" did not find better than to propose it as a minister of justice. Goodnight

Monday, February 7, 2011

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citazioni incolte

"And I miss." - Francesco Piccolo

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diario politico

few more steps and can not go back. It has almost nothing left to prove, holds its power very well, could not be challenged on all fronts, but for the first time ; around him know that the power is equal to the weakness he feels inside. Well, almost sensing noise of the glass that breaks in the head and biting down to the last capillary flows when the line encrypted trilla anxious to update it. A few steps and as always it's up to him to decide if it can be worse than that. At other times would not have uncertainties, forward without looking at anyone, but now after that infamous Maroni has allowed him to fuck the pool of coca and is forced every night for the ridiculous staging of the pipe strong and pull the smoke explodes in my mouth because of his providential gift Libyan achieve the desired effect, and everything is complicated. Now he has to pretend not to remember the surge of fear when the security guard approaches him cautiously almost tenderly: "I am president, it's just a little 'sweat' and picks up the thread of the slime before helpless mouth reaches the blue silk pillow. Goodnight

Unblocked Nasza-klasa

Facciamo il punto della situazione.

As is our style we do not care about issues of morality or on the vice of our political class, but faced with what is happening there is the need to take your eyes more than ever open to contextualize.
To explain the chaos of Italian politics, we'll use some key topics:
-Italy-Russia relations
-L 'Eni-Gazprom deal in the draft south-stream-
The sale of Eni and Finmeccanica
-Rupture and Finian investigations on prostitution

What relationship do these arguments in what is happening?
The answer is very simple.
With Berlusconi's government relations with Russia have been increasingly intensified so as to transform Italy from undisputed and faithful executor of U.S. provisions in a country soon to call in line.
To complicate things then there was the choice of Eni in the business take over South-stream, that the pipeline would bring gas from Russia to Europe bypassing the states 'friends' the Americans, all of this as an alternative to the Nabucco project signed U.S. on the contrary, cut off Russia from Europe's energy supply.
In addition there is to be considered then the pressure for the sell-off Eni and Finmeccanica to international finance, which escaped the blows of '92, are still state owned. As happened with "clean hands" there was no need to replace the political class to put his hand sull'Iri at bargain prices.
There is therefore need a shove, no better argument to feed the populace that the needs of the premier youth!
investigations with wiretaps and countless papers stir public opinion, it comes back to talk about his ties to the Mafia for extortion and investigations, while the other part is preparing the alternative, it detaches Fini Fli and emits' Fini Casini-Montezemolo-axis with the task of bringing the policy Italian economy to the fold soon. With
future articles will explain the particular points that led to the current situation, away from value judgments on the work of this government, especially the defense of a premier anything but a victim, but conscious that the choices regarding Our lives are increasingly operated by someone else and that the solution to everything that can not be called EUROPE .

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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Cermis, una strage europea

February 3, 1998: A U.S. military air exercise, took off from Aviano NATO base, try to challenge, to pass under the cables of the cable car, sliced.
Twenty European died after a fall of 80 meters.
The show trial, the court moved to the Italian American court martial, acquitted the two soldiers from the charge of manslaughter, removing them from service, guilty of having destroyed the video of the flight and to "meet the pressures that came from ' Italy.
Thirteen years later we do not forget our dead.
More than 177 military bases and installations in the U.S. Navy, Air Force, Army and NATO, of which 107 only in Italy, 71 bases (NSA intelligence and intelligence), 116,000 U.S. soldiers: the numbers of more than sixty years employment in Europe.
OUT AMERICANS Europe, outside Europe by NATO!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Pokemon Indigo Do You Get Leafeon

citazioni incolte

"Excuse me, but talking about the person or the character" - Paolo Rossi -

Why Cant We See Some Lasers

diario politico

isolation continues unabated. By Don Verzè just a sign of esteem, he sought to defeat cancer, but nothing. We have to wait another three years if the experiment on mice is successful, you can try on humans. Taking advantage of a cancer family, kills cancer, a technique widely experienced in politics. Trojan have called the miracle that will save half duemilatredici planet. According to the electoral program. Instead, the remaining few weeks, even at this speed, a few days to put everything at stake. Think back to that night full of cocaine, fatigue, balls turn, the telephone, "the nephew of Mubarak! I'm telling you," still shooting, laughter and crap. At dawn, just ready to sleep fast and satisfying than the mischief of the San Raffaele afforded, she felt as if full but not satisfied. Isolated from the world, I heard the sound of rain and the garbage truck that lazy and noisy cleaned il suo pezzo di mondo.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Singapore's Lifestyle In The 1970s To The 1980s

diario senza inizio. nota 5. piantare a bologna

A Bologna le Talee sono state messe a dimora.
Talee di terra questa volta, talee nei libri nel modo più letterale possibile.
Scavare, ovunque, scavare nei libri per dare loro nuova vita, attraverso un corpo estraneo che si innesta nella materia. Un esempio, solo un esempio,  di quello che i libri possono diventare supporto, corpo, superficie. Libri non come immagini del mondo ma come piccole macchine di terra e di volumi.
E' ancora il pensiero di Deleuze ad ispirare piantumazioni multiple:
" A book exists only from the outside and outside.
So a book is in itself a small car, which in turn measurable relationship, put that machine with a literary war machine, a love machine, a revolutionary machine, etc.. and an abstract machine that pulls all ? "
The cuttings in the books of the books are little machines of land, open loop, created by grafting, challenging the divisions between world and book, art and nature.
So in Bologna someone stopped in front of this do and imagined worlds, he thought that to do in relation to its products elsewhere, and tried connections.
stories of other plants, other grafts, other stories:
"It would be nice to work on children as well, with his hands, plants, balloons, it would be nice to host you in our garden, a public garden, beautiful of all, to make that ... "
"Planting or crying? Plants, perhaps, but we are no strangers to tears ..."
"I speak to you, I'm reading a wonderful book" les livres Manger ... "a great analyst, a great man, a fighter ..."
thought would be nice to follow these links for the moment, do multiple increase their territory, according to the becoming of the cuttings.
" The multiple must be done. Follow the plants, extend the line of flight. The rain ought to have carried away the seeds, follow the rivulets of rain, those who dug the water, so you will know the direction of flow. He tries to plant in that direction, we are as far away from you.
all that grows between these two, you belong .

G. Deleuze. Rizoma (1980)

Pisa January 29, 2011

Mario Salieri Football Online

"Le testament d'un Européen" di Jean de Brem

Translation from "The Testament of a Européen", by Jean de Brem:
"I feel miserable weigh on my shoulders the enormous weight of the most glorious heritage. To me, that I'm not worth anything, civilization has made a huge gift: the heritage of Europe. It 'made with treasures and memories. Each of us, I think, in London and Vienna, Berlin and Madrid, Athens and Warsaw, Rome and Paris, Sofia and Belgrade, must feel the same drama. Each of us is the last of the Europeans. I am the unworthy heir of a family of giants. [...] I will die without posterity, made sterile by the nuclear or slain by a fanatic. And my brother who knows the same fate. Giants ahead of us, heroes and sages, explorers and land explorers of the soul, and Antonini Caesars, kings and captains, profiles strict liturgical vestments, beautiful courtesans or ruthless brutes. A procession of great figures, radiant with splendor and power, is spread before our eyes, an immense burden for our contemporaries.


Tacciatemi of romance, who cares?!
For me, the treasure of the world is a child of Velasquez, an opera by Wagner or a Gothic cathedral. It 'an ordeal Breton or a necropolis of Champagne. It 's the Romencero del Cid, or face dell'Enfant Greek Hugo. Grave Hotel des Invalides, o la grande aquila di Schonbrunn, l'Alcazar di Toledo, o il Colosseo di Roma, la torre di Londra, o quella di Galata, il sangue di Budapest o la quadriga orgogliosa della Porta di Brandeburgo, divenuta la frontiera dell'Europa mutilata.
Per tutte queste pietre, per tutte queste aquile e per tutte queste croci, per la memoria dell'eroismo e del genio dei nostri padri, per la nostra terra minacciata di schiavitù e il ricordo di un grande passato, la lotta non sarà mai vana".

Testo originale:
"Je sens peser sur mes épaules misérables le poids démesuré du plus glorieux des héritages. A moi, qui ne 'm nothing and does nothing, the civilization made a huge gift: the heritage of Europe. It is made of treasures and memories. Each of us, I believe, in London and Vienna, Berlin and Madrid, Athens and Warsaw, Rome and Paris, Sofia and Belgrade should feel the same drama. Each of us is the last of the Europeans. I am the stupid prince from a family of giants. [...] I shall die without issue, sterilized by the atom or murdered by a fanatic. And my brothers have the same fate. Giants before us, heroes and scientists, explorers Earth and explorers of the soul of Caesar and Antony, monarchs and captains, silhouettes severe frock, beautiful courtesans or raw unrelenting. A whole series of major figures, resplendent glory and power, takes place in our eyes, an immense burden to our contemporaries. [...] Tax it
me romance, never mind! For me, the treasure of the world is an Infanta of Velasquez, a Wagner opera or a Gothic cathedral. Calvary is a Breton or a necropolis of Champagne. Ballads of the Cid is the, or the face of Hugo's "The Greek child. It is a tomb of the Invalides, or the Great Eagle Schonbrunn, the Alcázar of Toledo, or the Coliseum in Rome, the Tower of London, or that of Galata, the blood of Budapest or the quadriga proud of the Brandenburg Gate became the border of Europe mutilated. For these stones, for all the eagles and all the crosses to the memory of the heroism and genius of our forefathers, our land threatened with slavery and the memory of a great past, the fight will never vain.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sick And Have Dots On Tongue

citazioni incolte

"SECONDO ME MIKE E' RISORTO!" - Marco Murgia -

Proper Way To Take Steam Bath

diario politico

Detto che l'epilogo non lo conosciamo, ci limitiamo ad auspicarlo. Suicidio!, resta l'unica cosa nobile che gli è ancora concessa. Capisco, non dev'essere facile eppure, sono sicuro che l'idea del martirio o giù di li sta covando tra i vasi sanguinei sibilanti oppressi dal lifting e soffocati di pvc. Non mancano come previsto i clamori di guerra, compresi quelli mafiosi per bocca di un vecchio senatore ex dc in abito blu, siciliano in sovrimpressione su palazzo Madama. Come in un film di serie B dichiara al capo mandamento la totale disponibilità della sua gente a battersi per la democracy and freedom, by all means! Tell him. Seen from here the guard Valley, cosa nostra, the clergy, more than talking to him threatening me. But these are human things, known and controlled, he is not a superhuman act, to avoid old age, the look of the mirror and children. With the commercial rights and religious derivatives of the car passing, its become one of the richest and most powerful dynasties in the world. You might also like us to do that before the Communists kick the bucket we call the priest so die a Democrat, would end up in hell decorations for the umpteenth time. Goodnight

Monday, January 24, 2011

Flesh Colored Plugs Black People

citazioni incolte

"Indifference is the dead weight of history. And 'the ball lead to the innovator, is the inert matter where they drown the enthusiasm more often shining, is the swamp that encloses the old city walls and defends better than the more solid, better than the breasts of his soldiers, because in her welcomes the muddy eddies assailants, and decimated them and score them, and sometimes causes them to desist by the heroic. "- Antonio Gramsci -

Proper Time To Start Christmas Decorations

diario politico

It seems to me that they declare war also complicated the Vatican. At this time the anger has a thousand.'s are bringing that is his way, the empire, as they call it in economics. It 'is right, everything is just more disordered, frayed but the hardware is more powerful than ever. No one knows this better than lui, i sondaggi gli arrivano in tempo reale e gli confermano la tenuta del sistema. Ma dopo il vaticano, niente sarà come prima, da domani inizia la decadenza. Un altro paio di proclami minacciosi, poi la decisione. L'esilio sarebbe meglio di niente. Me lo vedo tra dieci anni, in una pausa dei  suoi affanni erotici sostenuti da macchinari sempre più invasivi e donne sempre più bambine, guardare con nostalgia il paesaggio toscano con cornice del settecento che si è portato dietro.

Corn Flour Bad For You

Tempo di lottare, tempo di Europa!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Shell Mac Highlighter

citazioni incolte

"Cambiarono a piacimento il significato consueto delle parole in rapporto ai fatti. L'audacia sconsiderata fu ritenuta coraggiosa lealtà verso i compagni, il prudente indugio cowardice under a beautiful appearance, moderation screen to cowardice, and intelligence, given the complexity of the real inertia in front of each stimulus: the frantic rush was attributed to manly character, reflect the attention was seen as a thin pretext for hold back. "- Thucydides -

How To Do Grecian Makeup

diario politico

start writing thinking I'd better be quiet. I am convinced that the institutions in our country are much more shaky now that during the worst years of terrorism. I am a witness of the two periods and this belief no man taketh no doctor of historical science and politics. There are many more bombs and shit now, the accounts of the dead is clearly twisted and made up. Very little chance that it will pass and I do not know if we will see a farce or a tragedy, the kind that seem real and ending with a war or a suicide. In both cases it will be a disaster. Of course, the extent of the event, lower costs and greater profit, it is desirable for the second solution. I give myself to the spot anyway. Disappear. I have not turned on, but for three days following an Iphone I discreetly ensuring a future global availability to comfort me. See now I wear the armor and face guard valley with his sword. But if I have not the cash. No, no, no resistance, let alone, I would have voted the Fiat and is not a case that does not work there. I begin to study the deserter and sooner or later I'll play, the macchia.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rate Of Respiration Of A Mammal And Reptile

Il golpe di Ben Ali

Ventotto di giorni hanno messo fine alla protests Presidenza di Zin el Abidin Ben Ali in Tunis salito al potere nel 1987 with a coup, supported by the Italian Earthquakes: former head of the Tunisian secret service, five weeks after being appointed prime minister, he judged unable to senility and Bourguiba declared himself President in his place. The support did not like very Italian operation to France: 24 hours after a bomb exploded at the Lighthouse Tremiti.
But let's step back for a better understanding.
In 1983, the octogenarian Bourguiba, Tunisia's president, issued an edict that sanctioned the increase in cereal prices, causing a motion of the square that destabilized the government of neighboring Algeria, Bourguiba was no longer able to maintain calm in his Country and was eliminated from the political scene. The situation did not improve with the passage of time, so that next year the Algerian prime minister confided to Benjedid Craxi, then leader of the council that they intend to invade Tunisia to avoid problems in the pipeline, right across the Tunisian territory, pumped Algerian natural gas in Italy. The Italian prime minister succeeded in Benjedid desist from his intentions and, back in Italy, began negotiations with Algiers, by the Earthquakes, in the person of Admiral Martini: The two countries agreed to a regime change in Tunis and recognized in Ben Ali man to bet on. Martini also flew to Paris to inform and engage with the leaders of the DGSE (intelligence) who claim to still maintain some control suggli business in Algeria, its former colony. In Paris, however, were not enthusiastic about moves and Italian enterprise, they too believed that it was time to dismiss Bourguiba, however, had other names on which to focus.
Nevertheless Ben Ali was able to proclaim himself the new president. And the next day, as already mentioned, the islands Tremiti exploded a bomb, planted by two Swiss. At first it was thought by Gadhafi, who claimed the islands as compensation for colionalismo Italian. It was the Corriere della Sera, in 1996, for hypothesise a revenge-warning of Paris: a view confirmed by the same in the Martini 1999 in his book of memoirs.
However things have gone really, another Italian mystery. The same shadows that surround other bombs and other massacres.

Used Hard Tennis Balls Free

Quinta tappa

cuttings is coming to the Library Mode Infoshop, Bologna.
performance, focusing on doing is to be planted in a cutting pages of land involving participants and booksellers. By Virginia
Galli, Luca Gradella, recorded voice Franco Farina, Francesca Corchia video, text, Sandra G. Burchi plug-Rizoma Deleuze and instructions for planting a cutting.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Animal Genitaliagallery

Talee a Bologna


a book, a knife, a cardboard container,
loam or common land, small seeds or wild plants, a spoon, a water dispenser balls of clay, a drill.

1)   prendere un libro abbandonato , messo al macero, o venduto a peso. Il libro deve essere voluminoso, di molte pagine, può essere un romanzo, o un dizionario un volume enciclopedico, questo a seconda delle vostre attitudini e delle vostre preferenze.
2)   Sfogliare il libro a piacere e sceglierne un punto , vicino alla metà , convincente per la lettura e per l’ubicazionedella pagina di terra.
3)   Iniziare a tagliare le pagine lasciando un piccolo bordo intorno, il bordo sarà dimensionato in base alla piantumazione. Intendo dire che per piantare un prato di trifogli sarà necessario un’intera pagina mentre per una pianta grassa molto meno-
4)   le pagine tagliate  possono essere  conservate e utilizzate nuovamente per costruirne altro, lo scavo dovrà essere piuttosto profondo, a seconda della pianta scelta.
5)   Terminato lo scavo, l’operazione può richiedere diversi giorni se fatta accuratamente, foderarlo con una pellicola di plastica e effettuare dei buchi da sotto  il libro per evitare il ristagno di acqua.
6)   Riempire lo scavo di terriccio, you can take a land fit for planting a cutting of a cactus plant, place balls of clay in making sure that there is good drainage so as not to rot, and use a sandy soil. The plant once grew to be transplanted into a larger container. Each plant has its own needs, they will be carefully studied before being chosen.
7) I find more interesting and suitable for the purpose of planting in the book planted small plants growing along roadsides, or acorns found in the woods or something
8) A After planting la pianta sarà necessario bagnare la terra,

Adesso la piantina nel libro sarà pronta per crescere e le cure da dedicarle saranno quelle che avrete verso le piante sul vostro balcone o davanzale.Ricordatevi che le piante ad un certo punto avranno bisogno di essere invasate altrove e il vostro libro sarà pronto ad ospitare nuove talee o nuove piante da germogliare.